49. FIN

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As she sat down in her seat in the class, Fin noticed a boy in front of her. He was wearing all black and he had his head down. She knew he wasn't asleep because his fists were clenched and his leg was shaking.

When the teacher began to take roll call, he lifted his head and turned to the side and she got a look at him.

Josephine realized that he was the same boy that she saw in the hospital that day when she was donating money.

'His eyes were just as red now as it was then,' She noted to herself and it wasn't the 'I just smoked weed red'. 

He looked sad and angry at himself, making her curious about a reason she did not know.

Josephine glanced down and almost gasped aloud when she saw the scars on his arm, but unlike her's, his seemed to be self-inflicted.

Fin realized that she wanted to help him, so she was going to help him.

Whatever was going on in his life was none of her business, but if he was hurting himself and if she could do something, anything, to stop it, she was going to.

The class was over before Josephine knew it and she parted from her brother. She had a free period and noticed that the male who she was determined to help was leaving school.

Fin quickly sent a text to her brother telling him that she was leaving school and that she would talk to him later.

She didn't text Donatello since it was only 9:30 AM and figured that she would be back before the end of the school day.

She speed-walked to catch up to the boy but stayed a safe distance so he won't realize that she was tailing him.

Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw him approach the hospital. He entered and she followed him in.

She watched as the receptionist greeted him and he continued walking.

He entered room 37 and Fin stood outside. She noticed the file next to the door and took it.

She opened it and saw the patient's information.

Josephine bit her lip and placed the file back in its place, before going to Derek's office.

She didn't bother to knock and walked in.

He looked up from his work and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Tell me about Laura Taylor," She demanded.

Laura Taylor was the name of the patient in the file she just read.

He sighed and leaned back in his seat, folding his arms over his chest. "Well, Laura has been in this hospital for a few months and needs surgery for her heart. Unfortunately, her husband is in jail and her son is still in high school, working three jobs but is unable to keep up with the costs of her bill. She doesn't have any insurance so we wouldn't be able to keep her here for much longer if nothing is paid to the hospital," He answered.

Fin hummed thinking. "I'll pay her hospital bills," She said.

"If that is what you want," He shrugged. "Don't you want to know how much it is first?"

She shook her head. "I don't care, just ensure she gets the best care."

Derek nodded. "Why do you care about her though?" He asked curiously.

"Her son is in my class," Josephine responded nonchalantly.

She said goodbye to him and left his office. She walked to room 37 and knocked softly.

Fin heard a weak 'enter' and opened the door. Laura's son wasn't in the room.

"Hi," She spoke with a small smile.

Laura smiled back slightly. She was pale and had dark circles under her eyes.

Josephine sat down in the seat next to the bed. "My name is Josephine and I am here to help you," She said.

Laura looked confused and opened her mouth to speak but Fin cut her off.

"I am going to pay for your hospital bill," She revealed already knowing what Laura was going to ask.

Laura shook her head in disbelief. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked at the young girl before her.

"Why would you do that?" She asked, her voice cracking.

Fin smiled. "I like to help people," She shrugged.

"Thank you," Laura cried and opened her arms to hug Josephine.

She embraced the sobbing woman.

Just then, the door cracked open and Laura's son entered.

"What the f*ck is going on here?" He asked in confusion. He had only left for ten minutes and his mother is hugging a girl from his school.

Laura glared at him. "Asher, watch your language!"

'So, that's his name,' Fin thought.

He raised his hands in surrender and apologized softly.

Josephine turned to Asher and stuck her hand out. "My name is Josephine and I am paying for your mother's hospital bill," She told him.

His jaw dropped but then his expression turned blank. "What do you want in return," He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

She shook her head. "Nothing. I heard that your mother needs heart surgery and you are working three jobs. So, I decided to help."

'More like stalking him,' She thought.

He nodded, still processing the information.

A sob broke pass his lips. "Thank you so much," He said, sniffling.

Fin handed him a handkerchief. He wiped his face before hugging his mother, happily.

A knock was heard on the door and Asher opened it.

Derek was standing there with a file in his hand. 

He nodded in acknowledgment to Fin before turning to Laura and Asher. "Good morning. As you probably know by now, your bills have been paid. That means you can have the surgery now. I recommend it sooner than later," Derek announced.

Laura thanked him. She grabbed her son's hand and kissed it.

Josephine felt as if she was intruding in a private moment and she looked at Derek who looked as if he felt the same. They were about to leave the room but were stopped when Asher called out to them.

"We want to do it as soon as possible," Asher spoke.

Derek checked the file in his hand. "The soonest we can do it is tomorrow at around one o'clock," He said.

Asher turned to his mother and she nodded.

"Okay. Tomorrow it is then," He told Derek.

"Alright. Later we'll talk about the procedure and risks," Derek elucidated.

He left the room.

Laura beckoned Josephine closer and grabbed her hand. "Will you be here tomorrow?" She questioned.

"Do you want me to be here?" She asked.

Laura nodded. "It would make me feel better."

"Then I would be here," Fin assured.

She felt Laura squeeze her hand in thanks.

"I need to go back to school now," She told her apologetically.

Laura smiled. "Okay. Be safe."

Fin returned the gesture and turned to walk out of the room. On her way out she patted Asher's shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded and went to his mother's side.

After that, Josephine left the hospital and started her walk back to the school.

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