58. FIN

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About 2 more chapters left. Are you ready for the end of this book? I can't believe it is almost finished. Also, if I made an Instagram account, would you follow me?

By the way, it's 2:30 am here and I am not tired. Why?


They couldn't see the face of the man who entered the room. It was encased in darkness.

He stepped towards them and Josephine held her hand in front of Mariam to protect her. She got in a fighting stance, ready to pounce if needed.

The male raised his hands in surrender and stepped closer to them. "Calm down. It's me, Theo," He whispered.

Fin sighed and relaxed her body before walking up to him and smacking him in the head. He yelped in pain.

"You scared me, you fool!" She said angrily. "Couldn't you have just said so?"

He shook his head or she thought he did. She still could barely see him.

"How are you here?" She asked curiously.

He answered, "We put a tracker on Arturo. We had a theory he worked for Anton and it was the only lead we had, so we followed it."

"We have to leave now," Theo continued. "I have to get you two out before Donatello starts shooting up the place. He has been on a rampage since you got taken."

Fin smiled. She couldn't wait to see him again and give him the world's biggest kiss.

"Why is it so dark out there?" She questioned as they stepped out of the room.

Theo grinned to himself. "Thorne cut off the lights so I could get in without being seen," He said, as he lead them down the hallway he came from.

Just then, as if he jinxed it, the lights came back on. "F*ck," He cursed. "I have amazing luck."

He grabbed onto Josephine's and Mariam's hands, pulling them in a different direction.

"We have to hurry," He rushed out. 

"Stop!" They heard a voice bellow.

They turned around and saw Anton standing there with a gun in his hand. Behind him stood at least ten of his men.

They turned back to run but halted when they found out that they were surrounded.

"You have nowhere to run," Anton smiled evilly.

Theo pushed the girls behind him and snarled at Anton.

Anton smirked as he walked closer to them. "Give me Josephine and I'll let you live. I'll even invite you to our wedding," He said, not taking his eyes off her.

"No! You a sick bastard. Like hell, I would give my little sister to you and I'll die before I let her marry you!" Theodore shouted.

Anton chortled in amusement. "Josephine, моя любовь, come to me," He demanded, holding a hand out for her to grab. "Come to me, otherwise, your brother and friend won't live to see the next five minutes."

my love

She knew he was serious as she looked at the hard expression on his face. She took a deep breath in and took a step towards him. She was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

Theo shook his head. His eyes silently pleading for her to not go to the obsessive psychopath. She gave her brother and Mariam a tight-lipped smile before advancing to her nightmare.

The sound of distant gunshots made her pause as she was a few feet away from Anton. The wide victorious smile he wore a few seconds ago vanished and was replaced by an angry frown.

"What the f*ck is happening?" He shouted at his men who looked as confused as he was.

Josephine backed away from him and faced Theo. He smiled knowingly at her and she sighed in relief, knowing she was finally going to leave this place.

Taking advantage of their momentary distraction, Anton stalked up to her and grabbed her. He turned her so her back was to his chest and wrapped an arm around her waist and the other held his gun to Josephine's head.

He managed to restrain her arms tightly in his hold. She struggled against him but stopped when he pointed the gun at Theo instead.

"Good girl," He whispered in her ear. He ran his tongue across her cheek, causing her to shiver and gag in utter disgust. She was thankful when she was able to wipe her cheek on her clothed shoulder.

"Release her!" She heard a familiar voice yell. She missed hearing him so much.

A lot of gunshots were fired before they could even turn around. She watched as the bodies of Anton's men dropped to the ground, dead. Red liquid surrounded them as they laid motionless.

She felt Anton's grip on her tightened and he cursed. "Блядь!"


Josephine watched as Donatello, along with the rest of her brothers and what seemed like a hundred of their people storm towards them.

"Who's outnumbered now b*tch!" Theo said sassily. She held in a chuckle as she felt Anton tremble in fear.

'Yes, you should be afraid,' She thought.

"Not another move or I will shoot her f*cking head off!" Anton bellowed, pressing the weapon harder against her skull.

Donatello raised his eyebrow. "I thought you loved her?" He asked tauntingly. He winked at her discreetly and flicked his eyes away from her face. Fin knew what he was hinting at.

"I d-do," Anton stammered. He was shaking more now. 

'Pathetic,' She snared in her mind.

Donatello grinned lazily and strolled towards them casually. He was twirling his gun in his hand. "So, you are going to hurt the only girl you have ever loved?" He questioned.

"I-I," He broke eye contact from the Italian Don. His restraint of her loosened, giving her enough chance to break free from him.

Fin elbowed his stomach before taking his hand and flipping him over her shoulder. He landed harshly on his back and his gun fell close to him. She kicked it farther away and crouched beside him. He groaned.

She grabbed his hair in her hands and brought his face closer to hers. "I am not going to feel sorry for what's about to happen to you. On the contrary, I am going to f*cking enjoy it," She whispered. Then, she smashed his head on the ground, knocking him out cold.

She backed away from him and watched as two burly Italian men picked him up and carried him off. She smiled in relief and happiness as she felt herself being picked up from the ground. She knew who it was and melted against his embrace.

"I missed you, mia vita. I love you," Donatello mumbled against her hair.

"I love you too," She replied with tears in her eyes.

Vesper came up to them and pulled her away from him. He tugged his little sister into his arms. "You are never leaving our sights again, missy," He muttered. She heard his voice crack and looked up at him. She saw tears in his eyes and quickly wiped them away. She kissed his cheek and smiled at her eldest brother.

She hugged everyone and went back to Donatello.

Her eyes widened when she remembered who else was involved with her kidnapping. "Arturo-" She started but was cut off by Hayes. "He's dead. I shot him in the balls and then the head," He smirked cheekily and laughed.

Fin hummed. "Okay then. Can we leave now?" She asked eagerly.

Donatello chuckled and nodded. He kissed her forehead. "Yes, we can leave now."

She was finally going home.

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