2. FIN

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Standing there with a cold and emotionless face was a man who had noticeable features of Fin's mother.

He had raven black hair and steel eyes, standing out from his tan skin.

His eyes darted from Charles to the girl watching from a few feet away. He pushed past Charles and looked down at Fin, who only reaches his chest.

"My name is Vesper and as you've probably already guessed, I am your brother." His voice was heavily accented.

Fin nodded at him and held out her hand for him to shake, which he did with a slightly confused look on his face before it went back blank, then she walked out of Charles' office.

Vesper had expected her to hug him or at least give him a little more recognition or something.

He raised an eyebrow at Charles who simply shrugged his shoulders. The officer led him to his desk and pulled out some papers to sign. Vesper took note of the blotchiness of Charles' face but did not comment on it.

Typically his father would have to but he wasn't there, so the responsibility falls on him.

He signed and then shook Charles' hand before walking out to look for his sister.

Fin was talking to the receptionist about flowers when Vesper found her. She said her goodbye to Sofia and turned towards her newly acknowledged brother. He gave her a slight smile but she saw that it didn't reach his eyes.

'Maybe he didn't want to be here,' Fin thought.

"Come on," He said as he held the door open for her, "We have some things to do before we leave London."

"Leave London?" Josephine asked, her British accent pressed a little more.

"Yes, I was here for business when I got the call from my father about you. We live in New York," Vesper took out his car keys from his pocket and lead them towards a Lamborghini Aventador.

Luckily for Josephine, she has a branch in New York, so she can work there.

They got in and he started the engine, then took off.

For the next few minutes, there was complete silence. Josephine noticed her brother occasionally glance at her.

"Can you drop me at my house to pack? And can I visit some friends before we leave?" Fin asked, breaking the silence.

Vesper thought about it for a moment before nodding. She told him the directions to her house and they pulled up ten minutes later.

"You can go do whatever business you have to do while I pack and then I'll visit my friends. Just tell me a time you want to leave." Josephine got out of the car and took out her house keys.

She heard him call her back. "I'll be here at exactly six o'clock, no later."

When Vesper saw her house he was surprised. He expected a run-down shack or a home that is breaking apart. Instead, he saw a neat two-story house with flower beds in the front.

He sighed as he watched his little sister enter the place. When he heard about his mother's death, the first thing that popped into his mind was his little Josey. He hadn't seen her since she was three and he missed her terribly, along with his brothers.

He nearly cried as he thought about what his sister could be feeling and going through, so it was a surprise when he saw her so composed, almost like she didn't care. Obviously, his little sister didn't remember him.

He shook his head and left.

Josephine watched as her brother pulled out of the driveway and sped off. She immediately reached for her phone and called one of her best friends.

"I was wondering when you would call. I heard what happened. Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?" Her friend, Lex, rushed out in one breath.

"I'm fine. Can you gather our inner circle and your gang in about two hours? Anybody important." Fin wanted to announce her leaving.

"Yes, sure. But what's wrong? You sound sad. Who made you sad? I'll kill them- no I'll torture them and then kill them," Lex almost sounds pleased with the thought of killing someone.

Josephine laughed, "No one made me sad. I just have something to tell everyone."

"Oh," Fin smiled and rolled her eyes as she heard the disappointment in his voice.

She hung up and went to her room to pack her stuff.

An hour and a half later, all of her clothes were neatly packed into three large suitcases.

An extra suitcase was used to put some of her favourite weapons, which were carefully hidden in secret compartments and covered with clothes.

Josephine walked up to her dresser, grabbed her car keys and went downstairs. She made sure to lock her house before leaving to see Lex.

Upon arriving, Fin took note of the number of cars parked around the mansion and the few people still entering the house. These were her friends and associates, anyone she considered important enough to hear first-hand what she has to say.

She parked in her designated spot in the underground garage and turned off her car. There was an elevator there which had a keypad only a few knew the code for.

Entering the mansion almost gave her a headache from all the noise and chatter but as people took notice of her, they fell silent.

Fin walked to the makeshift stage Lex always puts up whenever they have a meeting like this.

All eyes were on her as she smiled and greeted them. There were over a hundred and this was only the higher-ranked members and some friends. The rest would find out from them or through gossip.

Josephine started, "Thank you for coming on such short notice but it is important." She paused to take a breath, "Due to some unforeseen circumstances I have to leave for a bit."

Almost immediately came a surge of protests. Lex watched her in disbelief.

Fin grimaced as her headache grew.

She licked her dry lips and said in a stern but soft voice, "Calm down."

Everyone tones hushed as she said this and she continued, "As some of you already know, my mother passed away and since I am technically underaged, the law enforcement wants me to stay with an adult, preferably a blood relative."

She took a breath and said, "They've  found my father and brothers."

Mina, Lex's second in command, asked in confusion, "I thought your father died and you had no siblings?"

"So did I," Josephine replied with an exhausted sigh. "I was informed about them by the chief and even met one of my brothers, so I know it's the truth. He looked like my mother's before picture, just male." Before the drugs and alcohol. Fin wanted to add.

"When will you be back?" Jester questioned. His voice was sad and his lips twisted in a frown.

He was one of her closest friends next to Lex and a few others. He was always there for her when she needed someone.

"I'll visit whenever I can. If not, then I'll be back when I turn eighteen. I don't know how they'll be." The possibilities ran through her head. They could be nice or they could be neglecting and abusive like her mother.

To be honest, Fin was scared for the first time in a long while. This was uncharted territory. But she is curious. She just hopes everything turns out alright.

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