36. FIN

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I posted another chapter as per a request from a reader, your welcome. I hope you all have a good day or had since the time zones are different. Enjoy the chapter! ❤😁

Fin watched them, sheepishly wringing her fingers. "I can explain," She voiced nervously, biting her lip.

She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, thinking about how to start.

Donatello snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He stared at his second-in-command and then back at Josephine. He suddenly realized how much they resembled each other.

"Where do I start?" She mumbled more to herself but they all heard her. She raked her hand through her hair in frustration.

"How about you start with the fact that you know our boss," Hayes said calmly. He seemed to be the level-headed one out of the brothers.

"Right," She nodded and faced Donatello, smiling.

"We met at my favorite café, Ellison's Delights, two weeks after I came to New York," Fin explained.

"You have only known him for less than two weeks and you're already kissing him?" Thorne shouted in disbelief. 

She nodded hesitantly and was about to respond but Donatello beat her to it.

"Do not raise your voice at her," He growled.

Josephine rubbed his chest to calm him and it worked. He pecked her head lovingly.

Anatoly fake gagged watching them act all lovey-dovey. She giggled.

"Okay..." Theodore started, "Do you know who he actually is?" He asked seriously, Theo was angry that his little sister is with someone as heartless and dangerous as the Italian Don.

He thought that she didn't know the real Donatello, the killer and torturer.

Josephine pursed her lips. "Yes, I do. He is the most amazing man I have ever met and has so much love for his family. He is very hardworking and does all he can to protect the people he cares about. He may act emotionless but no one in our world can afford to show weaknesses," She stood on the tip of her toes and pulled him to her height to kiss him.

Her brothers scrunch their noses in disgust like children.

Fin felt herself being tugged away from Donatello. She looked at Harrison, who held her arm, pulling her to where their brothers stood.

She raised her eyebrow. "Do you want us to have a heart attack?" Harrison asked, dramatically placing a hand on his heart.

She rolled her eyes.

"Um... Josephine?" Theo started. She hummed and turned her attention to him.

"What did you mean when you said 'our world'?" He said using quotations.

She laughed, nervously twirling a strand of her hair.

"Well, I know that Donatello is the Don of the Italian Mafia and Vesper is his Underboss," She explained.

Then she quietly said, "I am also a part of the underground."

"Repeat that," Hayes said.

"I am a part of the underground," She almost shouted. Josephine rolled up her sleeves to reveal her tattoos.

She looked at Donatello and he nodded in encouragement. He had seen her tattoos already and he is very smart. She knew that he figured it out already.

Vesper grabbed her arm and turned in over to get a clear view of her markings. He gasped in shock.

"Yo-you're Fin Rosio?" He stuttered in disbelief.

She nodded solemnly.

Realization dawned on the Bianchi brothers. No wonder she was taking the sh*t Arturo told her so well. How she said that she could handle it herself. Why she never questioned their business. She knew about all of it. Hell! She is dating their Don.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Theodore asked sadly.

Fin sighed. "I was treated as an outsider when I moved in with you guys. You acted like you didn't want me there. I wanted to leave and I was going to, if you guys still didn't accept me, as soon as I turned eighteen. I didn't trust you then, but I do now," She explained.

She smiled a little as Theo embraced her. "Well, besides you Theo, you were always very welcoming and I would have told you first," Fin continued.

He beamed at her, making her laugh.

Her siblings nodded, processing the information. They were taking it better than she had expected. They surprised her by being so calm. She thought it would turn into a blood bath when they found out about her boyfriend.

She knew a major reason is because they were scared of him but she also knew that they saw the love they have for each other.

"One more thing," Harrison said and then pointed to Anatoly. "How the f*ck do you also know the Russian Mafia leader?"

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