32. FIN

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Thorne and Josephine took their time to walk down the stairs, not wanting to see their father. She has never met him but somehow felt like she would have a major problem with him, mostly because of how he treated her brother.

They notice guards lining the walls as they headed to the living room. She saw that Thorne was slightly shaking and held his hand, smiling at him to show that he has my full support.

He squeezed my hand briefly in gratitude.

They walked into the living room.

Their brothers sat on the couch and a was standing a few feet away with his back facing them.

He turned as he heard their footsteps drew closer.

Her brothers certainly resembled him.

She looked at him blankly as he approached her. Her 'father' turned to Thorne.

"Go sit with your brothers," he demanded.

Thorne looked at Josephine and she nodded, letting go of his hand.

He sat with their brothers, looking at them in confusion and worry.

"Josephine," Her father, Arturo started, "It has been so long since I've seen you. You have grown into a beautiful young woman."

"You will be an excellent wife to one of my partners," he continued. "That will boost our status and business."

Fin looked at him in disgust and was about to reply when Vesper interrupted.

"What the f*ck are you talking about father?" He questioned raising his voice to the loudest volume she has heard from him.

"Sit down boy! Never question me," He shouted at his son.

Fin scowled at him.

Vesper obeyed him hesitantly causing Josephine to watch him in confusion.

'Why is he letting a piece of sh*t like Arturo, talk to him like that?' She thought.

"I'll answer anyway," Arturo said and then looked at Josephine, "Half of the time that I was away, I was trying to convince a friend of mine to marry my daughter. It was a little difficult because I didn't even have a picture nor have I seen you since you were a toddler."

"No," Fin simply voiced, her tone monotonous. She stared at him emotionlessly.

"I will not marry anybody that I do not know or love," she stated.

Arturo grabbed her jaw in his hand tightly. "You will because I said so," he growled.

"F*ck you," Fin spat. The word sounded foreign on her tongue as she barely ever curses.

She suddenly felt a sting on her face.

Blood dripped down her cheek from where his ring nicked her. He slapped her. Anger flooded her veins. 'How dare he?' She thought.

She heard her brothers yell at Arturo angrily.

Theodore, the brother who is normally a ray of sunshine glared at his father before striking him with his fists. Something in him snapped, no one can hurt or disrespect his little sister, not even his father.

Arturo stumbled back in shock, not expecting that his son would raise his hand to him. Especially Theodore.

The guards he brought with him rushed to go by his side but he held up his hand, stopping them.

"You will because the deal is already done," He said smugly. "He will be here in two days."

This time it was Harrison punching him. Hayes and Thorne grabbed Arturo's arms to stop him from moving away. He was weak compared to them.

"Take him to the basement," Vesper commanded their brothers and they complied.

The guards moved to stop them but one glare from Vesper had them cowering back in fear.

Josephine felt proud and happy that her brothers stood up for her against their father. However, she felt a little disappointed.

"What did I expect? Him to act like an actual father?' she thought wanting to slap herself for thinking such things. Her mother and father deserved each other, both of them were horrible parents.

She went to follow them to the basement but Theo prevented her from doing so.

She looked at him confused. "Let them handle him. Trust me," he said before taking her hand and carrying her outside the house.

"Where are we going?" She asked, tugging at his shirt.

"We are going to do something fun to get our minds off of what just happened," He responded, smiling at her.

'Or to give my brothers time to torture our father without interruptions,' She thought as she entered his car. He sped off.

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