38. FIN/ DON

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*unedited* I felt like I took forever to write this, lol.

They finally finished talking about the situation with Anton. 

Josephine yawned and felt her eyes droop. It was very late in the night and she had a very eventful day. She wanted nothing more than to crash in her bed and snuggle into her fluffy blanket.

She heard some whispers from her brothers and Donatello around her but was too far gone to hear what they said. She only heard soft mumbles.

Fin felt herself being picked up and cradled in large arms. She knew it was Donatello by the amazing and calming scent of his cologne.

She buried her head in his neck and felt him kiss her hair. She sighed in contentment and fell into a deep sleep.

*Donatello's Point of view*

After they finished their discussion on Anton, Donatello noticed that Josephine was falling asleep on herself. He chuckled softly as he looked at his adorable girlfriend and held his hand up, stopping the others from talking.

He gestured to the side of him, where she sat. They saw her almost asleep and awed.

Donatello stood up from his seat and gently lifted her in his arms. He heard her brothers speak in protest but with one glare they shut up. He wanted their acceptance, however, she needed sleep and they were depriving her of it.

He walked out of the warehouse and to his car. He opened the passenger side, placed her in the seat and buckled her up.

Then, he went to the driver's side and started the car.

Donatello gazed at Josephine and kissed her cheek, smiling at her.

He drove off and within an hour, he arrived at his house.

He carried her into the house and up the stairs, into his room.

Donatello placed her on his bed. He wanted to change her into something more comfortable but didn't want to do something without her permission.

He took off her shoes and saw her stir slightly. He went to her side and stroked her hair, trying to lull her back to sleep. He took off his shirt and pants, leaving him standing in his boxers.

He climbed next in next to her.

"Dormi, vita mia," He cooed softly.

Sleep, my life.

She whimpered lowly and curled into his side. He continued to run his hand through her hair and began to hum a soft tune.

She fell back asleep with a small smile on her face.

Soon after, Donatello dozed off.


When Donatello woke up the next morning, he realized that Josephine wasn't in bed. He looked around and did not see her.

'Did she leave?' He thought, then shook his head. He knew she wouldn't just up and leave without telling him.

He climbed out of his bed and went into his bathroom, brushing his teeth and taking a shower. He finished and went downstairs, searching for her.

He watched in amusement when he found her in the kitchen, hips swaying as she danced to a song playing on her phone. He was leaning against the wall, smiling fondly as he looked at her.

He was happy that she was having fun.

He walked up to her slowly and snaked his arms around her waist.

"What are you making, amata?" He asked, whispering in her ear. He felt her shiver against him.

She turned around, pulled him down to her height and kissed him.

"Buongiorno, Telly," She said sweetly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on the tip of her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Good morning

"I made spaghetti, I hope that's alright," She continued.

He nodded and nuzzled his face in her neck, peppering kisses.

Fin moaned lowly.

"Thank you, amore," He said.

She smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him to the table. She dished out some food for him and herself, then sat next to him.

He twirled some spaghetti in his fork and held it up to her mouth. 

She ate it and did the same for him.

They soon finished eating and did the dishes together.

After, they sat on the couch in the living room, cuddling together.

"My brothers let me come home with you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Fin wanted to ask him that since she woke up this morning.

"They didn't have a choice," He said smugly, kissing her head.

She chuckled and hummed in response.

"We are spending the entire day together and this time no one will interrupt us," Donatello declared. He was determined. All the other times they were together, their time was always cut short.

"Okay," Josephine agreed, pulling out her phone and sending a text to her eldest brother, letting him know what she was doing.

He saw her message and replied, 'Okay, be safe. Ti amo.'

I love you.

"That settles it, you're only mine today," Donatello said, happily.

He put on a movie and halfway through, they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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