46. FIN

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She turned to her brothers and smiled sheepishly as she saw the look on their faces. They looked confused and worried.

She glowered at her boyfriend who raised his eyebrow.

"What is he talking about, Josephine?" Vesper asked, concerned.

She gulped and sighed. It was time her brothers and her boyfriend know her full story, no matter how painful it was for her. They deserved to know.

Fin looked at them and replied, "My past and the memories that come with it."

She moved to sit on the couch and fidgeted with her hands on her lap, nervously.

She looked up at them and motioned for them to sit down as well. They waited patiently for her to continue.

"Years ago, our mother married Alexander, the Russian Mafia leader at the time. Anatoly treated me as his little sister but her brother, Anton, was a different story," Josephine said, looking at Anatoly as spoke about him and his family.

She continued, "Anton had an obsession with me and when I tried to avoid him, he kidnapped me and hurt me, badly. He tortured me, starved me and he killed people in front of me, saying that he would do that to me if I disobey him.

Luckily, he never touched me, inappropriately. There was one time, though, that he came in drunk and tried to kiss me but passed out before he actually could,"

Donatello, who was sitting next to her, rubbed her back as he heard her voice crack. He placed a chaste kiss on her head and she gave him a half smile.

She then tilted her head at Anatoly and smiled appreciatively. "Anatoly saved me," She told them.

"He found me and beat Anton very badly. After that day, I found out that Alexander divorced my mother and we were sent to England. I don't blame him, I knew he loved me like a daughter but he could not deal with my mother anymore," She snickered.

"I didn't think that I would ever have to face Anton again, though. I was not prepared then, but I am now. I spent years training to be stronger, so, if it ever comes down to a fight... I can handle it," She said.

Her brothers nodded. "It won't have to come down to that because we would protect you," Hayes voiced.

"I know, but some things are unavoidable," Fin sighed sadly.

"Okay!" Theo clapped loudly, gaining everyone's attention. "Enough of the depressing talk, let's do something fun to make us forget," He grinned.

Josephine's mood brightened as she smiled at her brother. "I agree," She responded.

He cheered and looked at the others. They groaned but relented in the end. Who could say no to him and Josephine? They would do anything to get her happy, especially at this time.

"So... What are we going to do?" Harrison asked. 

Theodore slumped in his seat. "I haven't thought that far," He pouted.

Fin shook her head at him.

"Why don't we go out," Anatoly suggested.

She thought about it for a moment. "Okay, if everyone else is on board," She answered.

She looked towards Donatello and raised her eyebrow, silently asking him if he was alright with that plan and if he was free. He nodded, smiling at her and pecked her lips.

"Then it's settled," Theo proclaimed, springing up from the couch. "We have to get dressed."

Josephine got Vesper to lend his clothes to Donatello and Anatoly, which he did after she showed her puppy eyes.

Her secret weapon.

She giggled aloud, causing her boyfriend to look at her adoringly.

They had already finished getting ready and were in her room, well, Fin was fixing her hair.

'She is adorable,' Donatello thought, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her to his chest.

She smiled and rested her hands on his chest. He bent down to her lips and hovered over it for a second before crashing their lips together. He licked her bottom lip and plunged his tongue in her mouth when she gave him access, exploring her mouth.

She tasted like the cherry lip-gloss, she had applied just a few minutes before. He backed her up until she hit the back of her knees at the edge of her bed, causing her to sit down. His knees went on both sides of her as he climbed above her.

Josephine moaned against his mouth and her hands weaved through his hair. Donatello messaged her hips with his hands.

Just before he moved to her neck, they were broken out from their state of desire when someone cleared their throat.

Donatello let her go and sat next to her. Fin blushed as she saw her eldest brother standing at her door, looking down at the floor, awkwardly.

She coughed slightly. "We're ready," She stated before grabbing her boyfriend's hand and tugging him pass Vesper quickly.

She heard Donatello burst out laughing and glared at him playfully. She swatted his arm and walked towards the others.

He smirked and followed her.

They waited stood in the living room, waiting for Vesper. He then walked in and avoided her and Donatello's eyes.

She blushed harder and speed-walked out of the house, hearing another round of laughter from Telly and the others questioning him.

'He is going to get it later,' She thought, leaning against the car with her arms crossed.

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