42. FIN

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The dinner went by fast and before she knew it, Fin was sitting in the living room with Donatello and his family. Of course, as Donatello said before, it was tradition that the male fed their woman the first bite and they did just that.

Sienna and Pierre seemed to be very much in love and it made Josephine happy because not many people stay in a happy marriage that long.

It was quiet for a few minutes as if they were thinking about what to say. Josephine awkwardly crossed her legs and bit her cheek.

Donatello's family looked at him as if he was an alien when he smiled at her, causing her to stifle a giggle. 

He glared at them and pecked her head.

"So..." His mother started, "You have Italian features but you have another accent." She observed.

Fin nodded. "Yes, both my parents are Italian but I grew up in England with my mother," She responded.

Sienna hummed in reply.

"What made you move here?" His father, Pierre asked.

She responded, "My mother passed away, so I had to move in with my brothers."

He nodded. "What do your brothers do?"

Fin looked at Donatello and he responded, "Her eldest brother is my second-in-command."

"Vesper," Pierre noted and look at her, wondering if she knew what that meant.

She kept her face blank and he narrowed his eyes at her. He clicked his tongue and turned to talk to Sienna.

Domenico walked to the couple and swung his arm over his brother's shoulder.

He faced Josephine and smiled at her. "I don't think you recognize me, but we go to the same school. We don't have any classes together, that's probably why you don't know me and I'm barely ever in school, so..." He said, causing her to laugh.

Donatello pinched his side and Domenico yelped in pain. He glared at his older brother, who simply smirked.

Josephine shook her head and smiled as they started to bicker.

"Hey, cara?" His mother called, patting the seat beside her.


Fin hummed and walked over and sat next to her. Pierre was on the other side of his wife, his hand on her lap.

"What do you think about Donny's business," She asked, stressing the word business.

Josephine tilted her head It was obvious that they wanted to know if she was aware of the Mafia.

She thought about it and replied, "I think it is doing very well and he is a great leader." She didn't want to say it outright because she didn't know whether Telly would want her to tell his parents who she really is.

"Yes, he is," Pierre said before asking, "You accept what he and your brothers do?"

He folded his arms together and raised his eyebrow.

She looked at Donatello, who was listening in on the conversation and he nodded his head, indicating that it was alright for her to tell them about her.

"It's not much different than what I do," She responded.

"And what do you do?" He asked, slightly intrigued.

"I am known as Fin Rosio by many people," She said.

She heard Solero squeal but focused on the former Don.

Pierre furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed. "No need to lie," He said, rolling his eyes.

"Father," Donatello said sternly, making his father face him. He shook his head.

Pierre shushed his son and turned back to her. "Prove it," He challenged. He thought that Fin was a male because of all of the achievements that she had. He didn't think that a female would be able to control unruly gangs and set them straight. That's why it was hard to believe her.

Fin smirked and rolled up the sleeves of her dress, revealing the beautiful tattoos that were running up her arm.

"Holy f*ck," Solero cursed, his jaws dropped looking at her in complete disbelief. He never would have guessed that the Fin Rosio would be in the same room as him. Fin had always inspired him and many other people.

Donatello snickered at his family's shock.

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