31. FIN

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When Josephine got home, she noticed that there was more security than usual. She was mildly curious. She carefully tucked her new necklace from Donatello under her shirt. She knew that if they saw it, they would ask questions that she wasn't ready to answer yet.

Just as she was about to step into her house, a large hand stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Who the f*ck are you," The male asked, gruffly.

Fin pulled her hand out of his grip and glared at him. "My name is Josephine and I live here," She replied.

He jumped back like she burned him.

"I am very sorry Ms. Bianchi," he said, fear flashing in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes. "It's Arcane," she corrected.

He nodded and moved out of her way, allowing her to enter the house.

She went it and looked for Vesper straight away. She found him and the rest of her brothers sitting in the living room. Worry, nervousness and anger etched on their faces. Hayes was the first to see her and beckoned her to sit beside him.

"What's going on?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

Vesper sighed loudly and turned to face her. "Our father is coming back today," He said.

Josephine was shocked. She had actually forgot about him and never missed him.

"Oh, um... Okay," She stuttered. She really didn't know what to say about the matter.

"How do you guys feel?" She asked her brothers.

They looked liked no one has ever asked them that question before, but Theo answered, "I... Don't know. I mean, we haven't seen him in months and now he is coming back. Things in the house might change because of him and I... We don't want that."

Fin hummed and faced Vesper, "Where did you say he was again?"

Vespers fingers tapped his thigh. A tell that apparently all the brothers had, that indicated that he was going to lie.

"He was away visiting distant family," He responded.

'How are they in the Mafia when they can't even lie properly?' Fin asked herself.

When she first got there, they told her that he was away on business and now he is apparently visiting distant family. 

She shook her head and sighed. "Okay," She simply said.

"When will he be here?" She questioned.

"In an hour," Thorne answered her. She looked at him worriedly. She saw the fear in his face when they talked about their father.

'What had he done to him?' She thought.

Thorne noticed the look on her face and turned his head away from her. 

She decided that she would corner him later.

Harrison's phone got a message. "He just landed."

From the corner of her eye, she saw Thorne tensed up. His hands was slightly shaking and his breathing picked up.

Fin walked to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Come with me," She instructed softly, holding her hand out for him to grab.

He looked at her in confusion but did as she said anyway, leaving their brothers in the living room, talking amongst themselves.

She led him to her room and made him sit on her bed. She sat next to him.

"Talked to me," She pleaded quietly. 

He hesitated. Thorne did not want to be a burden to any of his siblings nor did he want any pity.

"Please," She said and that one word had him breaking down into tears.

Fin immediately wrapped her arms around her brother. No one can stay strong forever, one must cry and break down sometimes to feel better and to grow.

She rubbed his back as he sobbed. "Let it out, I'm here. Your sorellina is here," She said calmly.


After about ten minutes of her whispering encouragements and him crying, he finally calmed down. She kissed his head.

"Do you feel better now?" She asked as she passed her hand through his hair. Just like her mother did when she was a child and actually cared about her.

He nodded.

"Are you ready to talk? It's okay if you are not, I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you to tell me your problems. Just know that I am here if you need anything," She said giving him a little smile.

Thorne breathed out deeply and straight into her eyes, searching for any lies or deceptions. 

When he found none he answered. "Our father hates me."

She waited for him to continue patiently.

"The rest of our brothers are his prides and joys but not me. He despises me because I never wanted to be in the family business and because I am different from our brothers."

"Why would he hate you because you're not the same as them?" She asked. The anger she had for her father before, increased tenfold.

"You know about my sexuality. He hated that I had a boyfriend," Thorne looked down ashamed.

Josephine tilted his chin up and smiled. "Never be ashamed of who you are because who you are is very f*cking amazing," She said, instantly cheering him up.

He was glad to know that he had someone that thought so.

Fin remembered that Harrison had a boyfriend too but no one knew.

"If he tells you anything or if he hurts you, I want to know. Please talk to me and we would figure a solution out together. I love you and I never want to see you hurt," She emphasized.

He hugged her and kissed her hair. "I love you too and I promise to communicate with you from now on," He replied.

"Thank you," She breathed out.

Then, their brother-sister moment was ruined when Hayes came in. "He is here." He said before walking out.

Dread crept up in Thorne but Josephine gabbed his hand, silently reassuring him that she was there and would never leave his side.

Thorne immediately felt better and stronger. He was ready to face that Son of a B*tch.

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