25. FIN

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Fin woke in her bed at six o'clock in the morning. She smiled knowing Harrison carried her to her room sometime last night.

She searched for her phone and found it on her nightstand. She picked it up and dialed Adam's number.

Josephine placed her phone by her ear and waited patiently for him to answer.

"Hello?" He answered groggily, his voice thick with sleep.

Fin giggled. "Did I wake you," She cooed jokingly.

She heard him grumble under his breath.

"Aw, don't be like that," She pouted, even though he couldn't see her. "Anyway... Meet me at the café near the hotel in an hour," She said.

He agreed, not that he had much of a choice. Fin would have dragged him with her by his ear.

Josephine hung up the phone and walked downstairs for breakfast. 

Sitting at the island in the kitchen, she scrolled through her phone and stop at her messages with Donatello. Fin clicked on the call button eagerly, wanting to hear his voice.

She paused and realized the time. Not everyone is an early bird like her.

She shook her head and was about to hang up when he answered.

"Buongiorno, la mia vita," He said softly.

Good morning, my life

"Good morning, Telly. Were you awake?" She asked. He did not sound like he just got up, in fact, he sounded sort of breathless.

He replied, "Yes, amore. I was working out." She heard a mechanical sound in the background.

"Oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you Telly," She said.

He reassured, "You didn't. I am happy you called. I missed you, bambina."


She smiled. "What are you doing today?" She asked curiously.

"I have to train some recruits and then I have a meeting with some of my capos tonight," He said.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Well, in an hour, I am meeting my friends and then later I'm going to help them on a mission," She replied.

"A mission?" he questioned.

"Mhm, they have to catch a spy," She said, brewing some coffee.

He hummed and told her to be careful.

"I am always careful," She scoffed. 

He smiled and said that he has to get ready and that he would call her tonight. She replied with an okay and they hung up.

A few minutes later, Thorne walked in wearing joggers and no shirt, breathing heavily.

Fin rolled her eyes. 'What's with males working out so early in the morning?' She asked herself.

Then she imagined Donatello working out. His muscles bulging and sweat dripping down his chest. She bit her lips.

Fin shook her head, clearing at of her dirty thought from her head.

Thorne looked at her as if she was crazy. She was just staring at her cup and mixing her coffee, lost in her thoughts.

"Morning," She said, "Where's Vesper?"

Normally, her eldest brother would already be in the kitchen by the time she got out of bed.

"He had errands to do," He replied, tapping his fingers on his thigh.

He was lying, tapping his fingers were his tell. She wasn't going to say anything, though. If he wants to lie, then she would let him think that she believes him.

Fin wondered if her brother had gone to see her Telly, to help with the recruits.

She wrinkled her nose in thought.

"Is that all you're having for breakfast?" Thorne questioned pointing to her mug filled with rich coffee.

She shook her head and responded, "No, I'm meeting my friends in an hour at a café. I'll eat something then."

Josephine wondered why he cared but cleared her mind.

He seemed satisfied with that answer and nodded his head. He poured himself some coffee and sat on the other side of the island from her.

"Why did you ask for Vesper?" He asked as he sipped on his drink.

"He is usually in the kitchen at this time," She answered before getting up from her seat.

Thorne stood up as well, "Where are you going?" He asked slightly panicked.

Fin eyed him in confusion. "To get dressed," She replied skeptically.

He said okay and walked swiftly out of the kitchen.

She sighed and left for her room. 'Boys make no sense sometimes,' she thought.

She got dressed in a long-sleeved black and white top and jeans. She ensured that none of her tattoos were showing before going downstairs.

She watched as Thorne stood close to the door, fully dressed and twirling his car keys in his hand.

She was about to walk pass him and out the front door when he stopped her.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, her hands on her hips.

"I am going to drop you," he said and dragged her to his car.

She sighed and got in his car. Fin sort of suspected that Vesper asked her brothers to watch her. Harrison probably told them about Adam.

There was no other explanation as to why Thorne would willingly do something for her. She told him the direction of the café, nonetheless.

She sighed to herself. 'And just when I thought my relationship with my brothers was getting better.'

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly.

 'This is going to be a long day,' She thought as they parked in front of the café.

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