20. FIN

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Josephine has been sitting on her bed for an hour, waiting for one of her brothers to call her to Vesper's office.

Finally, someone knocked on the door. "Come in," She said.

Hayes glared at her with anger. "Get up and go see Vesper." He left after and slammed her door.

She didn't see the point in closing her door, she was going to come out anyway. She rolled her eyes and stood up from her bed.

After a minute of debating whether or not to actually listen to Hayes or to ignore them and sneak out. 

She huffed. Sneaking out would take too much effort and she was tired, so Fin just went to her brother's office.

She walked in and saw all of her brothers. Vesper stared at her blankly and said, "Go back out and knock. When I say enter, then you will come in. Understand?"

She rolled her eyes for the hundredth time tonight and sighed loudly. 

Josephine stomped out the door, knocked and then enter when he said to enter.

She saw Theo staring at her with an apologetic smile. She shrugged.

"Where were you all day?" Vesper got to the point. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on his chair. 

Her other brothers standing in the corners, trying to be intimidating. What they don't know is that they can't scare her because she has met much more dangerous and scarier people than them.

The Italian man she has been seeing is seen as the devil by other people. That is very funny to her because he whines when she doesn't call him.

'I might as well tell them the truth. Not the whole story though,' She thought.

"I was in the hospital," She replied nonchalantly. 

She saw her eldest brother's eyes widened. She heard gasps from the others and ignored them.

Fin felt someone grab her and wrapped their arms around her. She relaxed when she realized it was Theo. 

"W-What?" Theodore stuttered. "I asked you earlier if you were okay. Why did you go to the hospital? Are you okay now?" He rushed out in one breath.

"You are exaggerating, Theo," She giggled. "Nothing was wrong with me. I just went to visit the children there." She kissed her brother on his cheek at his overthinking and care.

The others watched them in envy as they saw how comfortable they acted with each other. Hayes, Harrison, Thorne and Vesper were jealous of how well Theo gets along with her and they barely know her. But that was their fault for not trying to build a bond with their little sister. Their only sister.

"Oh," He sighed in relief and then flicked her nose.

"Hey!" She groaned, "What was that for?" Fin rubbed her nose.

"That young lady was for terrifying the shit out of me," He said and patted her head, making her growl at him.

Vesper cleared his throat. "You still disobeyed me, Josephine," He deadpanned.

"I know and I'm sorry, Perry," His eyes softened at her nickname for him.

Fin groaned and slapped herself mentally. 'Did I really just give him a nickname? What's wrong with me? I can not afford to get attached," She thought.

"Okay, I appreciate your apology," He said, still thinking about how his sister gave him a nickname. 

'Maybe she's warming up to us,' He thought with a smile on his face.

Everyone watched him in disbelief.

"Since that was your first time disobeying, I'll let you off with a warning," He continued, his face going back stoic.

His brothers still watched him with their jaws still on the floor and eyes wide.

"Thank you," Josephine said, "Can I leave now?"

He nodded and she left his office.

'He isn't that bad,' She mused to herself as she laid down on her comfortable king-sized bed.

Fin heard her phone's ring tone and answered.

"Hello?" She said.

"Ciao, la mia vita," She heard from the other side. Her eyes lit up and her heart filled with warmth at the sound of his deep voice.

Hello, my life

"I miss you, Telly," She pouted, even though he can't see her.

"I miss you too, amore," He said, "I just wanted to hear your beautiful voice before I go to my parent's house and have the urge to kill someone."

She laughed and Donatello grinned proudly at himself for making her laugh.

"I'm not completely joking, amore. My parents are going to nag me about not visiting them when I said I would. They even sent my brother to try to get me to go to dinner with them," He said.

She hummed, "Why don't you want to visit your family, Telly?" She asked curiously.

She heard him sigh and he said, "They get on my nerves sometimes. They keep nagging about how I don't have a wife yet and it has gotten worse since I turned twenty-five a few months ago."

"Oh," she said.

"I want to introduce you to them soon. I haven't told them about you yet and I want to." He said, "You are the person I want to be with for the rest of my life and I know you are very young and we just met but I am very sure about us."

Josephine smiled, happily.

Indeed, they have just met but it was love at first sight as dumb as it sounds.

"I would love to meet your parents," She said.

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