13. FIN

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*Very unedited*

'Today is the day,' That is the first thing Fin thought as soon as she woke up on Thursday morning. The day of her date with Donatello Da' Vino, the Italian hunk she met at her favorite café. Also, her brothers' boss.

She was very nervous but also very excited. Her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest with how fast it was beating and her palms are sweating.

She has never felt this way before, so the feeling was new to her but she liked it. She liked how he made her feel.

She has about ten hours to prepare, yet she is still freaking out about what to wear.

She called Mariam to ask for advice, "I have a problem, a very serious problem."

Mariam immediately sat up straight after Fin's frantic voice. Fin is the most collected and calm person ever, so whatever made her act this way has to be bad.

However, as soon as Fin told her that she is worried about a date, Mariam burst out laughing. 

Josephine scowled at her phone, "This is serious. Why are you laughing?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that I have never heard you worried about something like this before. This is priceless." Mariam chortled.

"Okay, okay. How do you want me to help?" She said after she stopped laughing.

"I have nothing to wear," Fin whined.

Mariam sighed and rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Fin," She dragged, "You have a lot of clothes. Just show them to me and I'll help choose something for you to wear."

Josephine thanked her and switched the call to facetime. She showed her closet to Mariam.

She watched in fascination at Fin's walk-in-closet. She wowed. Her closet was huge and filled with all types of clothes.

"What do you mean you have no clothes. You basically have a mall in there," She practically screamed at Fin.

"I know it's a lot of clothes but I didn't choose half of this, my brothers did and none of it is my style. I'm going to give the ones that I know I won't wear to charity," She smiled as she thought of the smiling faces of the young girls as they got more clothes. Fin would also buy clothes for the boys too. She didn't forget about them.

"Typical Josephine," Mariam shook her head, knowing everything Fin does for people who need help.

Fin moved her phone so Mariam could see all of the clothes. Josephine tried on some clothes but none worked out.

Mariam's eyes lit up as she saw a purple dress and told Fin to try it on. 

When she walked out of her bathroom, Mariam clapped excitedly, "This is the one."

Fin smiled. The dress was beautiful and it goes well with her complexion. She was happy.

"Thank you, Mariam. You've been a great help. I'll tell you all of the details about my date tomorrow."

"Okay, but I have a question," She said hesitantly.

Josephine hummed as she watched herself in the mirror.

"What about your brothers? Are they okay with you going on a date? She asked her best friend.

"I told them that I am staying at a friend's house for the night." She laughed a little.

"You made friends at your high school?"

"Nope, I've been a  loner since I started there and my brother did not make it easy to make friends. He practically snares every time he sees me and everyone just follows his example. But it's okay, it does not bother me. I like the peace. Well, besides the random comment thrown in my face." She frowned but it did not last long as thought about Donatello.

"I can't wait to come to New York to see you. I'll beat up anyone who says anything bad to you. Starting with that brother of yours," Mariam snarled.

Fin sighed, "Don't worry about me. You know I can handle myself, I just choose not to cause any more conflict."

"So back to what you told your brothers. Where are you going to stay then, if you don't have any friends?" She raised her eyebrow.

"You underestimate me, Mari. I have houses and apartments that I own here. I'll just stay at one of those," Fin stated in an obvious tone.

"Okay, just be safe on your date," Mariam said and then whispered, "and use protection." She hung up quickly after that.

Josephine groaned and shook her head.

It's their first date, so they won't be having sex just yet.

Fin blushed as she thought about it.

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