41. FIN

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They arrived at his parent's mansion.

She nervously tapped her lap and bit her lip. Donatello took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Josephine smiled at him and pecked his cheek, silently thanking him.

He exited the car first and held out his hand for her.

She grabbed it and stepped out.

They walked up to the door and knocked. A maid opened it and moved aside for them to enter.

Josephine smiled at her and they followed her inside, to his parents.

Fin took a deep breath in and brushed imaginary dust off her dress.

They reached a large golden door.

"They will love you," Donatello said, kissing her forehead.

"Just like I do."

It warmed her heart every time he said that he loves her.

"I love you," she said, smiling brightly.

The maid opened the door and bowed in respect to the couple.

Donatello and Josephine walked in and saw four people sitting at the dining table. An older couple that has similar features to Donatello and the other man that was sitting there. Also, there was another male that was supporting a wide smile.

They stood up from their team and walked over to the couple. Donatello was quickly pulled into a hug by the lady and then the man.

"You barely visit anymore! Don't think that just because you are an adult, means that you forget about your family, young man," The woman reprimanded him, as she pulled on his ear.

Josephine giggled softly in amusement, causing Donatello to send her a playful glare.

She stuck her tongue out, teasing him and smirked when he was smacked in the head by the woman.

She turned to Josephine and eyed her from head to toe. Fin rubbed her arm and smiled awkwardly at the scrutinizing gaze of the older woman.

Suddenly, she was tugged into a tight embrace. She gasped in surprise but wrapped her hands around the woman, hesitantly.

They pulled away and the lady smiled brightly at her. 

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Da' Vino, my name is Josephine Arcane," She introduced herself, politely smiling.

Mrs. Da' Vino swatted the air. "Oh, nonsense. Don't be so formal cara, call me sienna," She said.

Sienna turned to her husband. "This is Donny's father, Pierre."

Josephine held out her hand for him to shake. He tried to be intimidating but it caused her to hold back a chuckle. Fin has met much more scary men than her boyfriend's father.

She gripped his hand firmly to show that she was not affected.

Pierre nodded and smirked, patting his son's back. He approved of her, sort of.

The other men approached them and the one with the big smile practically ran up to Donatello.

As he got closer, Donatello pulled Josephine in front of him as if she was a shield. She watched him in confusion as he silently pleaded with her.

The man's grin resembled the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland and it sort of freaked her out.

He stood in their view. "If you don't want to hug me then I am sure your girl would," He spoke to Donatello.

She heard him growl at the male and suddenly she was behind him, hidden from the man's sight.

She heard him chortle amusingly.  Donatello sighed loudly and shook his head.

He turned to her and placed his hand on her waist, tugging her closer to him.

"This idiot is Solero," He said glaring at him.

He then pointed to the other person in the room, who resembles him. "That's my brother, Domenico."

She nodded at him and smiled. He looked close to her age, maybe older.

Sienna clasped her hand, drawing their attention to her.

"Who's ready to eat?" She cheered happily. 

She looped her arm around Josephine's and lead her to the table.

They sat down. Pierre was at the head of the table and Sienna next to him. On the other side were Donatello and Josephine. Then it was Solero and Domenico.

"I guess you're my date," Solero said jokingly to Domenico.

He groaned loudly and banged his head on the table, causing everyone to laugh.

The doors opened and it walked in some maids and butlers. They placed down the trays, bowed and left.

"Dig in," Donatello's mother said.

'Food now and then questions later,' Josephine thought, knowing what's to come next.

She was less nervous than before. His parents seemed like lovely people but one can never truly know. After all, they were the last leaders of the Mafia before Donatello.

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