57. DON

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The three days that Josephine was gone felt like hell to Donatello. He missed her voice, her scent, her. He had been searching everywhere, along with her brothers and Adam.

He was sitting in the brother's office discussing where she would possibly be. They knew that she wasn't taken out of the country because they checked the cameras at the international airport the private runways. She wasn't seen there and they knew it was true because Thorne checked the authenticity of the videos. 

It was a relief knowing that she was still in the country, however, America is a large place and there is no guarantee that she is still in New York. Hell! She could be in Oregon.

At this point, Donatello was basically lost in rage, anger and worry. He wanted to kill his men every time they came back with nothing. 

He sighed and slouched in his seat, bringing his hands to his head. He pulled his hair in frustration. No one was going to comment on his because of what happened two days ago. One of his men had told them that he found her but it turned out to be a false lead and Donatello lost it. He tortured the man before killing him. Another instance was when Anatoly made a joke about how he was going to be bald by the time they found her. Donatello punched him in the face and cracked his cheekbone. From then on, no one said anything.

"How the f*ck three very powerful Mafias are not able to find one girl?" Vesper groaned as he rubbed his neck. He has been sitting there since six in the morning and it was now two in the afternoon.

It was true. The Italian, the Russian and the British Mafia were all actively looking for Josephine, Mariam and Anton. Yet, no one has reported anything.

"This is ridiculous!" Hayes said, throwing his hands up. "We should have been able to locate them by now. What if we have a traitor," He suggested.

They clenched their jaws at the thought of someone betraying them.

"Sh*t. It is possible," Harrison voiced angrily.

They tried to think about who could be the traitor but came up short.

Donatello stood up and flipped Vesper's desk in anger and frustration when he couldn't come up with a name.

"Dude, that is not going to help. How do you think Josephine is going to react when she finds out you almost destroyed her home because you already trashed three rooms and broke countless glasses when you chucked them at the wall," Adam spoke.

Donatello calmed down at the mention of her name. Adam's words were true though. She would reprimand him when she hears about what he has done to her house. He can already see her pointing her tiny finger in his face and cursing him to the moon. He could see the adorable crinkle in her forehead she gets when angry and her pout.

They all sighed in relief when they saw that he had calmed his breathing and they could see the lovey-dovey look in his eyes. If it had been any other situation they would have cringed in disgust because he was thinking about their little sister.

Their little moment of peace was suddenly ruined when someone barged into the office. The woman was panting slightly and sweat trailed down her face. She looked like she ran the world's longest race. She was a part of Adam's Mafia.

"What is the meaning of this?" Vesper demanded an answer. He made it clear no one was to enter his office without his permission.

"I...I am sor-sorry, sir, but I have n-news," The woman announced as she tried to catch her breath. She placed her hands on her knees in an attempt to let oxygen into her lungs.

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