9. DON

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Donatello paced his office angrily. He swiped his hand across his desk, causing everything to fall on the floor.

He rubbed his face in frustration and sighed.

Yesterday, two of his shipments of weapons were stolen and his men have yet to find the culprit. But he knows one thing for sure, whoever is responsible won't be alive for much longer.

He glared at his brother, Domenico, as he burst into his office.

"Can't you fucking knock?!" The Don bellowed.

"Sorry, but I can't let you destroy any more of our house because of something you couldn't control," His brother watched him sympathetically.

Domenico continued, "You need to take a break. Maybe take a walk and get some fresh air."

Donatello glared at him.

"Donny, the only time you leave this place is when you want to fuck and when you want to kill or torture. So please, for your own health, get the fuck out."

"I say that with the uttermost respect," He quickly added on before his brother could reprimand him.

"Fine," Donatello said harshly, "But I want this place in one piece when I get back, understand?"

"Sir yes sir," Dom saluted.

Donatello rolled his eyes and walked out. His brother sighed in relief.

Donatello decided to take his brother's advice to take a walk.

However, he wanted to stroll through the city and he lived on the edge of a forest, so he got one of his men to drive him out.


When they reached the city, he jumped out of the car and told the driver to leave.

He walked the streets for a few minutes before he started to crave something sugary.

He spotted a café, 'Ellison's Delights, and walked to it.

As he entered, the scent of freshly baked treats immediately surrounded him.

Donatello noticed that the entire place was now looking at him in fear. All except a girl, sitting by a window seat.

Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful.

He stared at her in wonder, thinking about how beautiful she is.

Donatello couldn't help himself as he walked over to her. He felt a little guilty, an emotion he has never felt before, as he interrupted her peace.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked, his nerves starting to get the better of him.

His heart melted as she opened her eyes and smiled. Her beautiful eyes shining at him. She shook her head and gestured to the seat opposite her.

He instantly sat down and thanked her.

She was unlike anyone he has ever seen, in more ways than just her beauty. She didn't look at him in fear or lust and none of her expressions were fake ones.

She acted as if he was a regular person or maybe she didn't know him

His internal question was answered when she asked, "What's your name? I'm Josephine."


Such a suitable name for a lovely person like her.

He cleared his throat before he asked, "You don't know who I am?"

"Should I? I'm sorry, I recently moved here," She responded.

Did she live under a rock? Every single person knows how he looks. How could she not?

Somehow, it made him more intrigued by her.

Then he mentally slapped his head.  She probably has never seen him but surely she has heard of him.

"My bad. My name is Donatello Da' Vino." He smirked.

'She would recognize me now,' he thought.

"Nice to meet you," She gave him another bright smile, which caused his insides to melt even more.

He furrowed his eyebrows as she gave no negative reaction to his name.

"You still haven't heard of me?" He practically at the edge of his seat.

She sighed," Of course I've heard of you. I know who you are, it simply doesn't matter to me."

"What do you mean," He didn't mean to sound so demanding but he couldn't help it.

"I know you're the leader of the Italian Mafia. It isn't much of a secret, to be honest, Telly." She responded nonchalantly.

Despite everything she just said, one thing stood out most, "Telly?" He asked, amusingly.

A rosy colour appeared on Josephine's cheeks, making Donatello mentally awe.

She nodded her head shyly.

"I like it," He said.

'I would like anything you call me,' he thought.

"Why doesn't it bother you that I'm in the mafia?" He couldn't help but ask.

She shrugged and smiled at him.

He realized that she wasn't going to answer, so he waved over the waiter and ordered some cookies for them to share.

She thanked Cole, the waiter, as he placed the cookies on the table. However, Donatello glared at him when he saw the boy checking her out.

Cole fidgeted in fear and practically ran to the kitchen.

Josephine chuckled and shook her head.

She loved how Donatello looked at her innocently and shrugged as if asking her 'what did I do?'

"You said earlier that you recently moved here. Where did you live before?" He asked, curiously.

He was eager to know more about her.

"London," She replied, before picking up one of the chocolate chip cookies.

He was amazed at how cute she looked as she ate the treat, like a little kitten.

His kitten.

He smiled at his thoughts.

He picked up a cookie as well. He enjoyed the way it tasted.

As he finished, he noticed that she was looking at him with an adorable look on her face.

He watched as she reached out and wiped the corner of his face, smiling at him.

"You are a messy eater. Has anyone ever told you that?" Her eyes sparkled with mirth.

He shook his head, too lost in her that he couldn't form words.

She laughed and his entire body felt like it erupted in flames.

And at that moment he knew.

Lei é mio.

She is mine.

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