3. FIN

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The meeting was over fairly quickly and everyone wished Josephine good luck.

Most of the people already left, when the door suddenly burst open and in ran a redhead. She frantically looked around the room. When her eyes landed on Fin, the girl practically jumped on her.

"Mariam," Fin choked out, as her arms tightened around her friend.

Mariam Atorri is Josephine's first and closest friend. Even closer than Jester and Lex. They met in the park one day when Fin ran away from home after her mother hit her for the first time and they instantly became best friends.

Mariam's family is heavily involved in the Mafia and her father is an advisor for Adam Mayor. When Fin found out, she was scared but what ten-year-old child wouldn't be. Then she met Mariam's family and they immediately accepted her as one of their own.

When she met the head of the Mayor Mafia, she was surprised how fast he practically became family to her. Adam Mayor became like an older brother to her.

She helped them whenever they needed her and they helped her start with her business while protecting her.

She was grateful for all of her friends because they are the reason she is still alive and well. Fin doesn't even want to think about what would happen without all of them; Mariam, Lex, Jester and Adam, also a few more people.

But now she has to move away from all of them for a while. It will be very hard to be far from them.

Mariam released Fin from her death hold and grasped her by the shoulders. Tears streamed down her face and a frown on her lips.

"Do you have to leave?" She asked with a sob.

"Unfortunately, I do. But don't worry, I'll be back." Josephine assured, gently rubbing her friend's arm.

Mariam calmed down a bit. "When do you leave?"

"At six o'clock," She said sadly.

"Today?!" Mariam shouted while throwing her hands up in the air dramatically.

Fin nodded her head and gave a tight-lipped smile.

"I'll miss you," The redhead said before wrapping her arms around Fin once more.

"Yeah, me too," She whispered.

Before leaving London, Josephine wanted to say goodbye to Adam in person.

She knew he was overprotective of her and he scared off all of the boys who approached her. She's grateful though and loves him.

Pulling up at his mansion, Fin nodded at the guards before making her way to his office.

She knocked on his door before poking her head inside.

Adam instantly stood when he saw her and hugged her tightly.

"I heard you're moving," He started. "If you need anything or if someone's bothering you, you call me right away. Okay?"

Fin nodded her head and smiled at him in appreciation.

"I love you," They said at the same time.

Then she kissed his cheek one last time and left.


Arriving back at her house was a bit of a struggle for Fin as she tried to suppress her emotions.

She cried more today than she has in two years. Which was a surprise to her friends as she has always been the calm and jovial one, even in sad moments.

Hearing the sound of a car pull up in her yard, Fin quickly gathered the last of her bags before heading down to the front door.

She sighed sadly.

"I'll miss this place." She thought.

The door opened and she looked at her brother. He smiled slightly before picking up one of her larger bags.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes, I am," she replied quietly.

Then two more men entered her house. She watched as they picked up the rest of her belongings and left.

Josephine tilted her head in confusion before realizing they were her brother's men.

Why he even had men? She didn't know but didn't care enough to ask.

She followed him out of the house and watched him put her bag (the one with her hidden weapons) into the trunk of the vehicle.

Vesper opened the door for his little sister, gesturing for her to enter the luxurious car.

She thanked him and sat down, scooting away to make space for him too.

The sudden tiredness hit Josephine hard as she leaned her head against the cool window.

She sighed before closing her eyes and relaxing for the first time today. She slumped back in her seat to get into a comfortable position.

Soon enough, Fin drifted off to sleep but not before feeling herself being pulled against a warm body and a light, feathery kiss on her forehead.

A slight, content smile made its way to her lips. Then she fell asleep.

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