37. FIN

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Sorry this is a very short chapter

"I am her brother," Anatoly said with a big smile directed at Josephine.

She nodded, returning his enthusiasm.

She saw Thorne glare at the Russian. "You are not her brother!" He growled.

Fin chuckled softly and shook her head.

"He is or more like was our step brother," She explained. 

The Bianchi brothers looked at her in confusion and motioned for her continue.

She said, "Our mother married his father a few years ago and later divorced him. I stayed in contact with them after because they were still my family."

It was honestly the best thing that her mother had ever decided, besides the divorce part. Anatoly and his father, Alexander treated her like one of their own, with love and respect. The only downside was Anton creepily watching and observing her. 

"Okay," Harrison said. He seemed to accept it.

Anatoly raised his hand and waved it around, causing Fin to roll her eyes. No matter how old he is, he would always act like a child.

"Yes Anny? What is it?" She said in a baby voice.

Her brothers and Donatello laughed while he pouted.

She ruffled his hair, causing him to whine in protest.

"So... Like are you two dating?" He finally asked, crossing his arms and glaring at Donatello.

"Yes," Donatello replied proudly. Who wouldn't be proud to date an amazing girl like her. She was kind, selfless and helpful to everyone.

He didn't even realize that he was grinning like a fool. The boys watched him shocked. That was the most they have ever seen him have any emotion on his face and it was freaking them out.

Hayes cleared his throat. "We'll talk more about...that, later. Now, we need to talk about the deal our father made," He said with a scowl. Arturo will be dealt with properly when they get home.

Everyone nodded and took a seat at the meeting table. Donatello pulled Josephine into the seat next to him. He would have placed her on his lap but her brothers were glaring at him.

Vesper looked at Anatoly. "Our father made a deal with one of your men."

Anatoly turned angry and slammed his hands on the table. "F*ck," He shouted.

He turned to Josephine. "I didn't know that you were the Bianchi's sister but I think Anton did," He said darkly.

"Who is Anton?" Theo asked confused.

This time Josephine spoke, "His sick in the head brother who is obsessed with me." She had a disgusted expression.

Since they met, Anton has been following her around, stalking her. He also sent vulgar notes to her. It got too much and she didn't want to bring a rift between their family so Fin left Russia with the support of Anatoly and his father. They had no idea about the notes.

If they did, brother and father or not, he was dead.

Anatoly continued, "No wonder he was eager to make the deal with Arturo. I won't let him near you сестра. I will protect you."

She smiled and said thank you.

She felt a hand on her knee and looked at Donatello. He squeezed slightly to reassure her.

"Arturo said that he would be here in two days," Fin announced.

Anatoly sighed, frustrated. His younger brother always caused the family problems, even as a child.

"I'll talk to him. If he doesn't listen..." He trailed off. "If he doesn't listen, we make him, by force," He declared.

They nodded, agreeing with him.

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