51. FIN

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Chapter 9 in Stand by me has been published. Please read it and give feedback.


It was a week before Fin's birthday and she was scared. She remembered Anton's promise about how he was going to take her after she turned eighteen.

The past four months had been fine. Leviathan had started at her school and he was working in one of her companies. Asher had met him and they immediately became best friends. The three of them grew closer and the two boys became like family to her. They did their best to protect her and how could they not? After all, she did basically save the people they cared about the most.

Josephine got Levi's father arrested and made sure that his little brother, Lorcan who was five, got the best possible care. She ensured that Asher's mother was able to have her heart surgery and thankfully she was now better.

The boys met Donatello and her brothers and at first, they were skeptical about Asher and Levi but they soon accepted the both of them.

So, everything had been great for all of them. However, good things never last for long.

Josephine knew that her Telly and the others were planning a party of some sort for her birthday but she was greatly against it. So much could happen while they are distracted but she was prepared.

She had given everyone a special necklace with a tracker in it. That way, she can make sure that her friends and family were safe at all times. She also hide weapons all over the house, assuming they were having the party there.

Fin knew the way Anton thought, after spending time with him as his captive and living with him when her mother was married to his father. He will target someone she cares about to lure her to him.

He won't wait until after her birthday. He would attack when she is the most vulnerable. So, she would be alert at all times.

Currently, Josephine was sitting on her bed with her headphone on, listening to some music to help bring her some peace. Unfortunately, that was the time her brothers decided to barge into her room, demanding that she spend time with them.

She groaned in protest but let Theo pull her up from her bed. Fin pouted as Thorne grabbed her hand and dragged her to the living room, where her other brothers sat. They seemed to be amused as they saw the expression on her face.

She stuck her tongue out at them and they chuckled.

"Okay, what do you guys want to do?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

Vesper shrugged and then smirked as he saw his little sister glaring at him.

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" Hayes suggested.

The others nodded in agreement before all of them went to change their clothes.

Not long after, the siblings exited their respective rooms, dressed and ready to leave the house.

They took two cars since it was the six of them.

They settled on the restaurant named 'Flor'. It wasn't very fancy but the food was delicious.

A waitress escorted the siblings to their table and they ignored the stares they got from the patrons.

"So, Josie," Harrison started. He leaned back in the cushiony seat and crossed his arms. "How was your little rendezvous a few days ago?" He asked curiously.

She grinned. Almost a week ago, Donatello took her to Paris and they went on a tour before they went on a date. It was very romantic and she felt as if she fell in love with him all over again.

"It was amazing," She said dreamily. 

Vesper, who was seated next to her, kissed her head. "Well, I'm glad you had a great time. Did you know that he asked me before he took you on that date?" He asked.

She nodded. "Of course I do. Boss or not, you would have killed him if he just swooped me away to another country." She giggled as she imagined the look on her boyfriend's as he asked her eldest brother to take her out.

They laughed as she told him what she was thinking.

Suddenly, she remembered something she heard weeks ago. She smirked. "So, I heard that you were quite the party animal when you were younger?" She questioned Vesper.

He choked on his water. She patted his back as she laughed. She and Donatello were talking about their families and he accidentally let the information slip that Vesper used to go to bars and parties every weekend when he was a teenager.

 "Donatello!" He groaned angrily.

She shrugged with an innocent look on her face. "I have my sources," She said vaguely.

Just as Thorne was about to say something, he was cut off by the sound of Vesper's ring tone.

"Excuse me," He said before answering.

The smile and happy look on his face disappeared as he listened to whatever the person in the other end was telling him. His face filled with anger and hatred.

He spoke in rapid Italian before hanging up. He practically crushed the phone in his hands.

"What's wrong," Thorne asked softly.

He turned to his siblings and sighed.

"Arturo escaped," He gritted out.

 Just like that, the happiness and peace in the atmosphere faded.

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