54. FIN

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Translations are underlined


Josephine sat on her bed with her knees brought up to her chest and her head laying on them. She lifted her head slightly and glared at the piece of paper she threw carelessly away from her. It was almost midnight, just fifteen minutes shy of her birthday and she had received the worst gift ever.

She had found a note on the ledge of her window. She smiled slightly as she thought it was from one of her brothers or Donatello but as soon as she opened it, her smile disappeared. Attached to the note was a picture of her best friend tied to a chair. Red anger flood her vision as she read what was written on the paper.

It said that if she wanted her friend alive, she would have to sneak out of her house. It said that she would know when was the right time to leave and that after she read the note, she had to destroy it.

She followed the instructions and surely enough, gunshots rang loudly. Fin took that as her cue and climbed out the window. She saw that the main gate was slightly open and left the property.

As she was walking down the road, a pitch-black SUV pulled up next to her. The passenger's side window rolled down and there was a man pointing a gun up to her head. He was so pale that she could see the bulging blue veins in his arms. He held up a picture of Mariam.

"Steig ein, Mädchen," He demanded in his native language as he gestured for her to get into the vehicle with the gun.

Get in, girl

Josephine sighed as she climbed into the SUV. She knew that they worked for Anton because she remembered Anatoly saying that he partnered with them. However, they didn't know the reason.

They knew the Germans were private people and they never worked with anyone before. They had allies, yes, but they barely ever interacted with them.

She sat down in the seat next to a bulky male, who was eyeing her hungrily. Fin shivered in disgust and sneered at the male.

He smirked, lust visible in his eyes as he inched closer to her.

"Hör auf sie anzusehen und betäubt sie!" The man in the passenger's seat yelled.

Stop looking at her and drug her!

The man beside her reached into his pocket and took out a rag. The man in front handed him a bottle filled with clear liquid and Fin instantly knew it was chloroform.

He dabbed it on the rag and grabbed onto her, his hand digging into her waist while the other held down both of her arms. She struggled in his grip and managed to free one of her hands. Josephine brought her elbow down onto his dick, hard.

He roared loudly before restraining her again. He covered her mouth with the rag and pressed it harshly. She tried to keep in her breath but failed. She inhaled and after a few moments, her vision darkened. Black spots appeared and her breathing slowed as she slumped against the man holding her. Fin couldn't fight it anymore and gave in to the darkness.


Josephine woke up to the sound of yelling. It sounded distant but it was still very loud. She groaned in pain as she felt a pounding headache. After a few moments, she regained her senses and realized her predicament. She struggled against the rope that was binding her to the metal chair. 

Fin grunted in frustration when the ropes remained the same. Her wrists were throbbing and red from her movements.

She stilled when she heard a soft whimper behind her. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she realized that she wasn't in the room alone.

"Who the f*ck are you?" She gritted, turning her head to try and see the person.

"Josephine?" She heard the familiar voice ask in a soft tone.

"Mariam," She breathed out a sigh of relief.

Fin turned her head and was able to see her from the corner of her eye as Mariam was directly behind her. "Are you hurt?" She questioned her best friend.

"No, they only threatened me," She whispered.

Josephine nodded, even though her friend can't see her. "Why are you here? In America?" She inquired.

She heard a little chuckle from behind her. "I wanted to surprise you for your birthday but somehow they knew I was coming to New York and kidnapped me when I got off the plane. They drugged me and brought me here. By the way, Happy Birthday Josephine," Mariam said.

"Thank you, Mariam. Did you see Anton?" She asked.

Mariam's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Josephine sighed. "The German Mafia took us and they are allies with him," She explained.

"No, I didn't. I didn't even know he was back. Why didn't you tell me, Fin?" She asked, slightly betrayed that her best friend didn't tell her something like that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you," She apologized.

Mariam scoffed. "Of course I would worry. He is a f*cking psychopath!" She yelled angrily.

They heard a deep chuckle and that was when they realized that someone was with them. 

"Well, I am certainly hurt you think of me that way," The gruff voice said mockingly.

Fin's eyes widened as she recognized the person. The same person she can't wait to make bleed for all the terror he has caused.

Josephine strained her neck a little and squinted her eyes. She saw the outline of a male, standing in the darkest corner of the room.

He walked into the light. His hands in the pockets of his pants and he sported an evil smirk on his face.

"Anton," Josephine growled.

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