35. FIN

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Josephine sat with her brothers in Vesper's car, driving to meet their boss and another person who can help. They refused to tell her who, though. It sort of got her angry that she has let a stranger help her.

"Do we have to go, all I need is the name of the man," She slightly whined.

Her brothers shook their heads and she pouted.

They have absolutely no idea what she was capable of and they underestimated her. They are in for a huge surprise.

Fin wanted to call Donatello to warn him but Hayes was sitting right next to her. Harrison and Theodore took another car and drove ahead of them.

She sighed and rested her head on Hayes' shoulder, closing her eyes. Vesper said it was a half-hour drive. Not too long but Josephine was tired from everything that happened today, along with the nerves she is building as they got closer to their destination.

She suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, guys?" She got their attention. Vesper hummed, his eyes darted to her quickly before going back to the road.

"When I was at the police station before I came here, the chief said that in two weeks a social worker would come here and ask some questions. It has been like a month. So, how come they didn't come yet?" She asked curiously.

Vesper chuckled. "We paid her off," He said.


She tried to relax in her seat.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, Hayes shook her gently. "We're here," He said pointing to a warehouse. It wasn't the creepy and cliché warehouse that most Gangs and Mafias have. It was clean and actually sort of nice to look at. What else did she expect from her boyfriend, he loved things to have a certain order.

She smiled as she thought about him.

She spotted Harrison and Theo's car parked next to them. They were probably already inside. She also saw a familiar-looking car, but she couldn't recognize where she knew it from.

She was about to exit the car when Hayes held her back.

"Before we go in, there are some things I need to talk to you about first," Vesper said nervously.

Fin nodded for him to continue.

"Our boss... He can have anger issues sometimes but he wouldn't hurt you, I would make sure. He also demands a high level of respect, so don't look him in the eyes and do whatever he tells you to. And you have to knock before you enter his office. It's important," Vesper looked scared for his sister.

He never wanted her to meet anyone from the Mafia let alone the Don.

"Do you understand? If he yells at you, don't say anything, please." He pleaded.

Vesper doesn't even want to imagine what his Don would do to her if she does something that he doesn't like.

Josephine nodded. It was kind of comical for her, seeing how much her brothers fear Donatello when he is like a cuddly bunny with her. Her Telly.

She knew he would never hurt her, he would rather shoot himself first and vice versa.

Hayes motioned for her to follow them into the warehouse. She inhaled and exhaled deeply.

'Here goes nothing,' She thought as she entered.

They walked through the warehouse, but Josephine could barely see anything because her brothers kept blocking her view. They didn't want her to see what was really going on.

She accidentally scoffed aloud. They turned to face her and she shrugged.

They reached a door that had 'Don Da' Vino' engraved into it. She bit her lip and looked at her brothers.

"I'm sorry," She said with a sad smile. They looked confused.

She reached for the door handle and they tried to stop her. She remembered that they told her to knock first but Fin was feeling a little daring. She laughed in her head.

She first saw Harrison and Theo. They wore fearful expressions on their faces as they saw her. She gave them a reassuring smile. They shook their heads frantically, with wide eyes.

'Goodness, they're acting like Donatello would eat me or something,' She thought but then that wasn't too far from the truth. She sighed at her dirty thoughts.

She turned her head to the head of the table and smiled sheepishly at her boyfriend but then her expression changed to one of surprise as she saw who was sitting next to him.

"Anatoly Petrov," She said happily.

Anatoly stood up and spread his arms wide. Fin ran to him and hugged him tightly. He lifted her up in the air and wrapped his arms around her, ensuring that she doesn't fall.

She heard a growl and instantly knew it was Donatello.

"I missed you, брат," She mumbled into his chest.


Josephine heard a sigh and silently laughed, knowing that was also Donatello. She knew he understood Russian.

Fin pulled away from Anatoly and punched him on the shoulder.

"Hey! That hurt сестра," He cried dramatically, forgetting that there were other people in the room.


She suddenly remembered that her brothers and boyfriend were still there.

Her brothers looked shocked and baffled. Their mouth was open like a fish, a funny sight.

She turned to Donatello. He had a knowing smile and was amused but then he turned angry. She wondered why.

She stepped closer to him, ignoring the calls from her brothers, including Anatoly.

Josephine buried her face in her boyfriend's chest as they hugged. She loved the scent of his cologne.

They separated and he turned her to face him. Donatello gently grabbed her face. She winced as his fingers caressed the bruise. She had forgotten about it. He glared at it.

Fin cupped his cheek. "I'm okay. I'll explain later," She convinced him. He looked unsure but nodded nonetheless. "Thank you," She whispered before kissing him softly.

She turned to her brothers who looked constipated, shock very evident. Vesper narrowed his eyes at her. Though, his eyes still had a high level of fear and confusion.

Fin watched them, sheepishly wringing her fingers. "I can explain," She voiced nervously, biting her lip.

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