59. FIN

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Hey guys!

So, I made an Instagram account, unfortunately, the username I have here on Wattpad was taken so this is my username - wp.sxmply_mx

You would know it's my account because it has the same profile picture that I have here and the first post I have is the description of FIN. 

I hope you follow me. I would upload book ideas I am writing about and random things. I will give updates about when I am planning on uploading new chapters on different books and when I am going to upload the extra chapters of FIN. You can message me there if you want for whatever reason.

Enjoy the chapter.

Fin sighed in relief as she entered the house in Donatello's arms. He insisted that he carried her, so he lifted her bridal style. He carried her to the living room and everyone else followed. 

He placed her down gently on the couch and sat beside her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest. "Happy belated birthday, Amata," He muttered in her ear.

She hummed in reply and closed her eyes as she leaned against him. The past few days that she was taken, she hasn't been able to sleep and exhaustion was finally catching up to her.

She yawned sleepily and let herself fall asleep.


Josephine woke up the next day at eight in the morning. She groaned when she tried to get off the bed but was held back by a heavy arm around her body. She smiled as she looked at the sleeping face of her boyfriend.

His mouth was slightly parted open and he was snoring softly. She giggled at the funny face he made. She pulled his arm off her carefully so she won't wake him up.

Finally, after a few minutes of struggling, she was able to escape his hold.

'Goodness, it's like trying to lift a bulldozer,'  She thought with a huff.

She got up off the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She wanted to ensure that Mariam was absolutely okay.

She bathed and brushed her teeth before getting dressed. After she was finished, she walked up to her bed, brushing a few strands of hair from his face and placed a light kiss on Donatello's head. He needed a lot of sleep because she knew he hasn't been resting. He had stress lines on his forehead and bags under his eyes.

She quietly left the room and went to the kitchen. She smirked as she saw Mariam with Harrison. They were sitting close to each other and seemed to be lost in each other's eyes.

'Is this how Telly and I look to everyone else?' She asked herself.

They didn't notice her until she cleared her throat. They snapped their head towards her and she saw Mariam's cheek tint a bright red.

Josephine chuckled in amusement. She hugged Mariam and her brother before sitting opposite them.

"Buongiorno," She greeted with a wide smile.

Good morning

They replied the same to her. 

"Where are the others?" She asked, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl that is in the middle of the counter.

"They're still asleep, I think," Harrison responded.

He continued, "Well, everyone except Vesper. He woke up very early and left. He should be back soon though."

She hummed. "Where did he go?" She questioned curiously.

Harrison froze. "Uh... I don't know. I am not his keeper," He rushed out before grabbing Mariam's hand and pulled her with him.

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