29. FIN *Slightly Mature Scene*

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Sorry, this is a very short chapter.

Josephine bit her lip in anticipation as she let Donatello carry her over his shoulder, once more, into his house. One of his hands rested on the small of her back and the other caressing one of her dangling feet.

He stomped up the stairs and into his room and threw her on the bed, roughly. She bounced twice before settling.

Fin tried to back up against the headboard but didn't succeed as Donatello grabbed her ankle and dragged her closer to him. He placed one hand on her waist and the other on her neck.

"That was the mission you were talking about before?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

She nodded.

He squeezed her neck slightly in warning. "Words!" He said sternly.

"Yes," Fin squeaked out. Her eyes never once dared to stray from him.

He sat on the bed and pulled her onto his lap, gripping her hips. She gasped as she felt him poke her bottom.

He held her chin in his hand. "I want you to tell me exactly what you were doing there and who you were with," He demanded. "And do not dare lie to me, otherwise your punishment would be worse."

Josephine gulped. "Okay," She said softly.

"The target was Samhil," She started, "He kidnapped people, specifically young girls and sold them to the highest bidder."

She tried to grasp his reaction but he stared at her blankly, waiting for her to continue.

"I was with my friends from another Mafia and I wanted to help them capture him," She said and then added quickly, "He needed to be stopped."

His expression suddenly turned dark.

"What if something had gone wrong?" He raised his voice, "What if he had taken you?" He questioned angrily.

Fin's face softened and she pulled his forehead to touch hers. Her fingers rubbing the back of his neck gently.

"Thank you for caring about my safety, but I can handle myself perfectly fine," she said and then kissed him.

Donatello hummed against her lips, before pulling away. He then gripped her hair in his hand, to get her full attention.

He smirked mischievously. "Don't think I forgot about your punishment," he said.

Suddenly, her ass was in the air and her stomach against his knees.

"You will count after each one, otherwise I will start over. Do you understand me?" He growled.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was excited and aroused. She loved the dominance he had over her.

"Yes," she said quietly.

He made a noise of satisfaction.

He pulled off her little dress and then dragged her lacy panties down, agonizingly slowly.

He traced her spine with his finger before settling his hand on her butt.

"I want you to tell me if it gets too much, okay?" He caressed her behind and slapped it warningly when she nodded.

"I understand," Josephine muttered.

*Slightly Mature scene*

She closed her eyes, anxiously waiting for the first spank.

A few seconds passed and nothing happened. She opened her eyes and yelped as he finally hit her ass, unexpectedly.

It stung, but it gave her more pleasure than pain.

"One," she tried to contain her moan.

He tangled his hand in her hair and tugged it. "Do not f*cking dare to contain those sounds!"

He spanked her harder the next time.

"Two," she whimpered.

He continued until she counted to ten. By then, she was wet and her ass pained.

The final hit was the hardest and she cried out loudly.

"You did very well, amore. I am proud of you." He rubbed her butt tenderly.

He placed her on her stomach and got up. She made a sound of displeasure and immediately tried to reach for him.

"It's okay, la mia vita. I am only going for a cream to soothe your cute rump," he reassured, smoothing her hair.

He came back a minute later with the cream. He messaged her butt with the soothing cream.

*End of slightly mature scene*

He climbed onto the bed and brought her into his arms, kissing her head.

"Dormi, il mio fiore, we will talk tomorrow," he mumbled in her hair.

Sleep, my flower

They fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

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