Update and sneak peek

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Hi guys!

It's been a while since I've updated you all about FIN. I've mentioned previously that I will be rewriting FIN and I have started. It's going to be a long time still before I can publish it but it should be completely finished in a year or two. 

So, there are a few things I thought you should know about the rewritten version;

1. The ages are different.

I've increased Fin and Donatello's ages. Previously she was 17/18 but in the rewritten version, she is 25. Donatello's age changed from 25 to 32. Their ages are not fully decided yet but it will most likely be those ages. I may also change her brother's ages. 

2. Names

I am contemplating if I should change Donatello's name. Honestly, I'm not sure why chose that name in the first place. I don't think the name suits him. And definitely, I am changing the nicknames. I have no idea what I was thinking. 

Tell me what you guys think. 

3. Backstory

I honestly can't remember what I had in the backstory of the original version of FIN but that's going to change. It will be more detailed as well so you fully understand her choices and decisions. 

4. Action

In the rewritten version there will be more action and missions that Fin goes on. 

5. Action *wink wink*😉😏🌶️

I know some of you were pretty disappointed that there was no 'action' in this version of Fin but I can promise that there will be in the new version. 

6. Characters

In the new version, some characters will change or be added. The characters you know may be susceptible to change as well as their backstories. 

7. Point of view

The book has changed from 3rd person to 1st person. I find it is so much easier to read a book when it's told in 1st person. 

There are more changes that will be made to the book but these are just a few that I wanted you all to know about. I am really excited about the rewritten version and I hope you are too. 

Now, I'm going to share with you a little sneak peek of the new version. It's a little boring because it's only a little part of the first chapter but I hope you enjoy it. 

Also, it's unedited for now. This is sort of like a first draft. 


A shiver ran down my spine as I step into the cold frigid air of New York City. I rub my hands together and blow into them, trying to produce some heat. Why the fuck did I agree to have a meeting so early in the morning?

I groan as I start my walk to my work. I'm glad that the meeting isn't far from my apartment, only around a ten minutes walk. I could have let my driver take me but I did not want to bother him at this time, even if I am paying him. While I am my own boss and own the apartment building I live in, I could not deny my advisors when they requested to speak with me and something about their tone told me that it's better to have the conversation in person. I do not mind, though, as I've known some of them nearly my entire life and they have been my support system. I have five advisors that I consult about everything.

I sigh in relief as I enter the building, glad to get out of the chilly temperature. I mumble a greeting to the receptionist before going into the elevator and clicking the number six. This building isn't the tallest I own or the most profitable but I spend the most time here.

The elevator comes to a stop and I get out, walking down the hall until I reach the meeting room. I open the door and a smile immediately spread across my lips as I see them. As usual, they're arguing and baiting each other like children, even if most of them are over 30. It takes them a minute before they realize I'm in the room and stop talking.

"Oh, don't stop on my account," I tease, walking to the head of the table. I sit down on the cushiony chair, crossing my ankles and folding my hands. Sal Roney, my main advisor clears his throat, "Sorry, kid," He says with a grin on his aging face.

I roll my eyes. "Sure you are... And when are you going to stop calling me kid? I'm twenty-five years old." He shrugs, causing me to huff in annoyance while the others laugh. He has been calling me 'kid' since we met, fifteen years ago.

"Is everything alright, sweetheart?" Mia, Sal's younger sister asks, concern written all over her face.

"Yes," I answer slowly, narrowing my eyes, "Why?"

She looks away, hunching her shoulders and I get my answer. It's obvious she has been talking to my best friend. That's the only way she could have known something is wrong.

Mariam Atorri has been a constant pain in my ass since we met in preschool but a welcomed one. She and her brother Adam are two of the few people I trust with my life and all my secrets, which is a little ironic because Mariam is a huge gossip. 

I sigh, closing my eyes for a second. I reopen them with a smile and meet each of their eyes, one by one. "I am absolutely fine. You know I was never close to my mother. Her death has no effect on me, I assure you."

She places her hand on top of mine. "We are here for you. I hope you know that." 

"Thank you," I say appreciatively. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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