40. FIN

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Sorry that I took so long to update😥😰


Fin looked at him and sighed.

He rubbed her back soothingly and waited patiently for her to speak. It would normally be easy for her to talk about what happened but she loved Donatello and didn't want him to think anything bad about her or change his view.

"My mother abused me when I was younger," She said looking away. It used to pain her even mentioning it but now she doesn't care.

He grabbed her chin, making her face him.

"You have nothing to be ashamed about, amata," He said as he caressed her cheek. 

She smiled at him sadly. "Thank you, Telly," She said.

She inhaled sharply and exhaled. She cleared her throat and repeated, "My mother abused me when I was younger."

He nodded for her to continue.

"If I made a mistake, even if it was small, she would whip me or punish me in some other way. The tattoos cover the marks." Tears welled in her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.

"It was always like that. My neighbor was the one who took care of me as a baby. I knew that because my mother herself told me that she would put me out of the house when I cried. How much she hated me and wished I wasn't born," She croaked out.

Donatello pulled her into his chest and held her tightly as she sobbed. He messaged the back of her head and wrapped his other hand around her waist.

He kissed her head, listening to her pain-filled cries. 

They stayed in each other's embrace until she started to calm down. Fin sniffled and he cleared her tears.

"When I turned ten, I think, I ran away and stayed with my best friend Mariam and her family. They were very supportive and welcoming. I was treated as one of their own. They are apart of the British Mafia but it never bothered me much, especially after meeting them," She continued.

"A few years later, I started my own business and it quickly rose to the top. It expanded from there. I provided my mother with money, just enough to buy food and necessities and she was closely monitored in case she bought other things," She said the last two words in disgust. Josephine was talking about drugs and alcohol.

Donatello pecked her head.

"I am glad you got away from that monster," He said, looking at her with a small smile. "You deserved so much better than that and I promise that I would give you the world. I love you Josephine, very much."

He spoke with such sincerity and her heart fluttered. "I love you too," She voiced before cupping his stubbled cheeks and brought his lips onto hers.

"Don't we have to meet your parents?" She asked breathlessly when they pulled away.

He groaned and sat up. "Unfortunately, we do."

 He checked his watch and saw that they had an hour and a half to be at his parent's house. 

Donatello stood up. Josephine held out her hands and he pulled her up.

She watched him with narrowed eyes when she saw his smirk.

He was quick when he swept her off her feet. She squealed in surprise and smacked his chest as he laughed.

He carried her to his room and placed her gently on the bed. He went to his closet and pulled out a beautiful blue dress.

She watched him in confusion.

"I had my assistant bring some clothes for you last night," He said as he saw the look on her face.

She hummed and said thank you. 

"I'm going to get ready in the guest room," He told her before kissing her cheek and leaving the room.

Fin smiled and went to the bathroom to bathe. She finished and dressed quickly, putting on the shoes she came with. 

She put on some lip gloss that she had in her purse and looked in the mirror.

She thought that she looked acceptable enough and smiled at her appearance.

Josephine walked down the stairs and found Donatello standing there, wearing a navy suit.

"You look handsome," She mused.

He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her neck. "As you look beautiful and radiant."

She blushed at the compliment and placed her hand in the crook of his arm. He lead her to the car that was waiting in front of the house and they sat in.

As they pulled off, it suddenly hit Josephine that she was going to meet her boyfriend's parents for the first time.

'I hope that I don't make a bad impression on them,' She thought nervously.

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