5. DON

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*Unedited... Like at all.*

*warning* violent scene.

If there is a scene containing violence or it is a mature scene I will put a warning before and I'll indicate when it is over.

Please note that this is a mature book that may contain inappropriate language and explicit scenes.

Thank you.

Don Da' Vino stared at Paulo Martine, the asshole who owes him money. He was currently tied to a chair with his noodle arms behind his back.

'Pathetic' Donatello thought. He spat at his feet.

"So Paulo, why have I been informed that you tried to leave the country when you owe me a million dollars?" Donatello said, walking to what he calls his 'Table of Torture'.

His fingers skimming some of the weapons that lay there, before picking up his favorite knife.

On second thought, his knife does not deserve to be stained by the blood of a sad and disgusting man like him. So, he picked up another knife, one that his associate bought at a sale.

He used this specific knife to kill his victims quickly. Not that the bastard is a victim, he knew what would happen if he didn't pay Don Da' Vino back.

He smirked and raised an eyebrow, waiting for Paulo to respond.

"I-'m so-sorry," He struggled to speak because he was strangled by one of the Don's men just a few minutes ago.

Donatello chuckled darkly, "They all say that when they're about to die."

Paul shook his head as he cried, "Please don-don't do t-this. I promise to get you your money soon. Please!"

"You see, the thing is, I don't want the money anymore. I want your blood spilled on my floors." With a flick of his wrist, the knife was embedded in Paulo's chest.

Don Da' Vino rolled his eyes as Paulo screamed in agony.

"Stop acting like a baby. The knife barely scratched you," He said and yanked the knife out of Paulo's chest, causing him to cry even louder.

The Don rolled his eyes and smirked.

"See you in the afterlife," Then he slit Paulo's throat.


"So... How was it?" Solero asked with a smirk playing on his face.

"Boring," Donatello replied as he sat in his chair. Replaying the 'encounter' he had with his friend Paulo an hour ago in his head.

"Of course it was," Solero said sarcastically.

Donatello looked at his best friend, reminiscing about when he met Solero.

They've known each other since they were kids because their parents are friends business partners.

They hated each other at first, competing over everything, teasing each other and full out fighting.

But then, Solero's mother died from cancer and he wasn't the same.

Donatello noticed the change before anyone else and he put whatever enmity he had behind him.

He helped Solero her over his depression by just being a friend and ever since they've looked out for each other.

Donatello blinked, focusing back on the present.

"Sit," He deadpanned.

Solero sat on the opposite side of the desk and crossed his arms.

"Speak," Donatello demanded.

"I'm not a dog, Donny," He rolled his eyes, then his expression changed to serious.

"I spoke to Vesper today. He said that child services called him about his sister."

"I didn't know he had a sister," Donatello scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"He told us years ago before he became second in command," Solero explained.

"Anyway, he said that her mother died and she will be living with him and his brothers from now on," He continued.

"She won't be a problem for our business, will she?"

"Of course not Donny, she is just a little girl. Well, not little, she is at least over fifteen years old, I think.

Anyway, Vesper said that she doesn't know about their actual job and he promises that he would keep her away from the mafia," Solero reassured him.

"Good," He smirked.

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