15. FIN

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When Fin woke up, she felt as if she couldn't move. She opened her eyes and smiled at Donatello. He was gripping onto her as if she was going to suddenly vanish.

She heard him groan as he woke up. He buried his face in her neck and peppered kisses. 

Josephine moaned as Donatello found her sweet spot and began to suck on it. Her hand ran up and down his back before settling on his hair. She pulled at it and brought his lips up to hers. 

They made out for ten minutes before she glanced at the time.

Fin sprung up. "Oh my, I'll be late." She said. It was five in the morning but she has school and it takes an hour to get to her apartment.

"Um..." She trailed as she looked at her dress on the floor.

Donatello chuckled as he leaned back on his bed with his hands behind his head.

Fin shook her head and went to the bathroom, taking a towel with her. She pulled off his shirt from her body and took off the underwear.

After she was finished she saw clothes on the bed, so she put them on and left the room to look for Donatello.

She walked into the kitchen and saw his back to her. Fin watched as his muscles flexed as he moved. She licked her lips and hugged him from behind.

He lifted her onto the counter beside the stove and shoved his mouth on hers. He went back to cooking and Josephine set the table for both of them.

The couple had breakfast together and enjoyed the short time they had before she had to leave.

"I can drop you off," He said as he walked her out. 

She shook her head and pecked him. "I'll be fine, Telly." She smiled and squealed as he scooped her up in his arms and spun her around.

They laughed and then kissed before Josephine left in her car.

She watched in her rearview mirror as he stood there with a goofy smile on his face and it made her feel warm inside.

An hour later, she arrived at her apartment building and went get dressed for school.

Fin looked at herself in the mirror and gasped in disbelief. Her neck and chest were covered in hickeys. She immediately applied concealer and wore a turtle neck sweater.

When she got to school, she saw her brother, Thorne leaning against the building while talking to his friends. She observed that he looked around often before focusing back on his conversation.

When he spotted her, he gave a brief nod and went inside the school with his friends.

He was waiting for her, she realised. Probably her brothers wanted to make sure she wasn't skipping.

While walking to her class, she accidentally bumped into someone. "Fucking watch it!" He snared at her before storming away.

Fin watched him slightly confused and concerned. His eyes were red and sad, his knuckles bleeding. She was about to follow him but by the time she moved he was out of her sight and then the bell rang.

She sighed and thought that she would find him later. He reminded her of herself when she was younger. Sad, alone, confused and angry at the world for fucking with her life.

Josephine went to class with that thought in her mind, that she would find him later and offer her support and guidance with whatever he was going through. She made it her life mission to help those in need of assistance like she needed when she was a child.

Just like how her friends helped her overcome her inner demons and made her stronger, she vowed to help people.

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