26. DON

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I want to say thank you for reading this book and for the wonderful comments. You all have made me very happy ❤.

Donatello was angry. So angry that he killed three of his men in cold blood because they simply looked at him for too long.

Don had a last minute meeting this morning with a few Mafia leaders and some of them dared to question his methods and authority.

He wanted to kill them at that moment but he knew that it would cause unnecessary war, death and bloodshed.

He knew that he needed to calm down before he murders more of his people, so he called the one person that could in an instant.

He held his phone up to his ears and waited until she picked it up.

"Telly?" He heard the voice of his amata question.


He smiled as he heard her melodic voice.

"Hi, amore," He said sounding slightly frustrated.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned after hearing his voice.

"Yes, I just needed to hear you. It's not even lunch and I have the urge to kill certain people."

She chuckled. "Hmm, well, we're both busy today, so... Why don't we spend the day together tomorrow? If you're free, of course," she nervously asked.

And just like that Josephine made his day better.

He instantly said yes and they agreed to meet at the same café where they first saw each other, for breakfast.

When they hung up, Donatello sunk in his seat, sulking. He missed her a lot and can't wait to see her tomorrow.

He opened his top drawer and pulled out a brown wooden box. He opened it and pulled out the golden chain inside of it.

Donatello slid off his ring from his pinky finger and put it in the chain.

He was going to give it to Josephine tomorrow. His ring was very unique and everyone knows that it belongs to him. If they see the ring on her, they would know not to harm her, otherwise, they would be killed in the most brutal way ever.

It would show that she is protected by him and his Mafia.

The ring has the Da' Vino crest on it, which symbolizes his famiglia. 


Josephine's young, only seventeen years old but he knew that she is who he wants to spend his life with. He hasn't told his parents about her yet and convinced his brother not to. He wanted to wait for the right time.

He just doesn't know when the right time is. His mother is always pressuring him to take a wife and if she continues, Donatello might accidentally blurt out about Josephine, just to quiet his mother.

He banged his head on his desk but jerked up when he heard a chuckle.

"What?" He groaned.

His best friend shook his head, chortling. 

"What's got your panties in a twist, dude?" Solero mused.

Donatello pulled out his Baretta px4 and pointed at his friend's head.

Solero held his hands up in mock surrender and backed away slowly, when Donatello lowered the gun, he ran out the door, screaming bloody murder.

He rolled his eyes and sighed, putting the weapon back in the holster and securing it.

He left his office and went to his gym room. 'Might as well work out  some more before having to train the new recruits later,' He thought.

He stretched for a few minutes before wrapping his hands, not wanting them to be too bruised for his day with Josephine. However, he knew she wouldn't care about how it looked, she cared that he got hurt and she would scold him for not taking care of himself.

Donatello started to hit the punching bag until it broke and the sand was pouring out onto the floor. He cursed and took the wrap off his hands.

He grabbed a towel and wiped his sweat off, then threw the towel on a chair before moving on to the treadmill. 

After, he moved on to the weights.

Donatello worked out for an hour before he decided that was enough of a warm-up and stretched again to cool down.

Looking at the time, he sighed and saw he had two hours before he had to go to his warehouse to train the recruits.

He checked his phone saw a message from his second-in-command, Vesper and scowled as he read the message.

The craving for bloodshed overwhelmed him. He had a quick bath and changed before storming out of the house to the warehouse, eagerly wanting the blood of the traitors on his hands.

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