1. FIN

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Mornings are and will always be a favourite for Josephine. She loves to watch the sun as it rises and lets everyone know it is time to wake up and start the day. Mostly because it means she gets to talk and meet people.

Fin is what people call a social butterfly and she doesn't deny it. Her kind and sweet personality attract even the coldest and meanest of souls.

Everyone loves and adores her. Even the local gangs have a soft spot reserved only for her, as she helps them from time to time. She even got them to turn their rivals into allies, something no one thought was possible.

This particular morning though is different from the others. Fin got up as usual but feels off like she knew something was going to happen. Something not necessarily bad, but not pleasant either.

She shook the feeling off and got ready for a meeting with her advisors.

Fin owns multiple companies and businesses despite being so young. She also loves caring for people at hospitals and donates whenever she can.

When Josephine arrived at her building, she greeted the receptionist and other employees she saw. A smile adorned her face as she walked into the meeting room.

"Morning," The five advisors synchronized as they saw her.

"Morning," Fin replied, pleasantly.

The meeting room was reserved for only meetings like this with her advisors so it was big enough to accommodate around ten people at a time. Any other meeting with more than twenty people was held in a much larger room.

She sat down at the head of the meeting table and crossed her legs. Her eyes darting to and from each person.

There has been an increase in sales in the past few months and more people are interested in finding out who the owner is.

This meeting though is about the nosey reporters who will not stop until they find out who the owner of the business is.

"We think-" Mark, her main advisor started but was cut off by Fin's ringtone.

She apologized and excused herself to answer the call. An unknown number flashed across her screen, making her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Hello?" She answers sweetly, as she always does. The phone pressed against her ear.

"Is this Josephine Arcane?" Questioned a gruff voice on the other end of the line.

"Yes. May I ask who is this?" She responded as her heart rate spiked a little. Not a lot of people knew her personal number and full name.

"This is Officer Charles of the London Police Division. Can you come to the station as soon as possible?" Officer Charles demanded more than asking.

"Yes, I'll be there in twenty minutes. May I ask why am I needed?" Fin scratched her head. Her mind was in turmoil, already thinking about the possibilities.

"Just get here as soon as possible, Miss Arcane," Charles growled and hung up.

Fin frowned at the phone and questions raged in her head. She sighed before going into the meeting room and dismissed them.


Josephine had a bad feeling when she entered the Police Station. She bit her lips to try and distract herself.

She walked to the receptionist whose name tag read Sofia, "Hello, I am Josephine Arcane. I got a call from Officer Charles."

"Ah, yes. Miss Arcane. He will see you in his office. Follow me," Sofia said as she got up from her desk.

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