8. FIN

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It has been two weeks since Fin has been taken in by her brothers and a week since she started senior year at the Highschool. Fin graduated from school years ago, home school and online college, but she wanted to experience it for the first time.

Her brothers didn't know but she didn't want to tell them yet. 

The week has have been interesting for Fin to say the least. On her first day, she was threatened by Thorne to stay away from him and not tell anyone about them being siblings. She agreed because she would like to believe that he said that to protect her, but sadly, that wasn't the case.

It hurt, a lot. Yet, Josephine still managed a genuine smile. Thorne glared at her every time he sees her and it breaks her heart a little more each time. 

Fin, however, tried her best to ignore his hatred towards her and continue with her life.

All her brothers are distant to her. Either they ignore her or try their best to show her that she isn't welcome. The only one who is happy and shows how much he loves her is Theodore.

She appreciates his efforts to make her feel welcome and wanted.

One thing Josephine knows for sure is that all of her brothers, including Theo, are hiding something from her.

Fin isn't oblivious, she notices everything in her surroundings and she has noticed the excessive amount of guards.

She wanted to do her research on them but she respects their privacy and decided to wait until they tell her or until one of them slips. Then she would tell them about her. Everything she had to go through, the sacrifices she had to make for her mother and all of her scars. Physical and emotional.

She would wait, but for how long? 

Fin would give them time, to open up and to let her in. However, she can only wait until her eighteenth birthday and if they still treat her like an outsider, she would leave.

 After all, she still has her work to deal with. The legal and illegal ones.

A few people, Mafia people, have called her and requested her help and she agreed. However, because she lives with her brothers now, she can only help them via video and voice calls.

Josephine still sent over some of her people to give them extra assistance.

Normally, she would fly over to them or they would come to her.

That's the best way she can assist them for now and it has worked out so far. Everyone was content with the help she has given them.

Today is Saturday and Fin wanted to go to her favorite café, 'Ellison's delights'. She discovered it when she was walking to school one day after Thorne told her to get out of his car because a friend of his wanted a ride.

The café isn't too small nor too big. It was perfect and their food and drinks were amazing.

Josephine walked to Vesper's office and knocked on the door softly.

After hearing a gruff,' enter,' she walked in.

"What do you want, Josephine?" He asked, not looking up from his papers.

She played with the thread from her long-sleeved shirt, "Can I go to the café?"

Her brother sighed, "Fine, but you can only go there and then straight home. Do you understand me?" He said strictly.

Fin nodded her head ecstatically and smiled at him.

He narrowed his eyes.

"I do," She said finally.

She watched as the corner of his lips lifted for a second before going back to normal.

"Gerard will take you," Vesper added, referring to their driver.

She hummed and walked out of his office.

Fin didn't feel it was necessary to change. She was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt to cover her tattoos.

She practically skipped out of the house and was grateful to not run into any of her other brothers.

Parked in front of the mansion is Gerard, a kind thirty-three-year-old man, who has been working for her family for ten years.

He opened the door for her, bowing slightly.

Josephine giggled and thanked him.

It took around fifteen minutes to get to the café and the entire time Fin and
Gerard has been talking and laughing.

"Call me when you are finished, okay?" Gerard said.

She nodded and waved him goodbye.

Fin eagerly entered Ellison's and was immediately greeted with a warm welcome. That was one of the reasons she loved going there; the friendly atmosphere.

The waiter, whose name tag read, 'Cole', led her to a window seat and gave her a menu, which she took with a bright smile.

She ordered a chicken sandwich and a coke.

After eating, Josephine relaxed into her seat and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of freshly baked cookies.

Fin was startled by a deep and sultry voice, "Is this seat taken?"

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