Chapte six

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My mum was already up and doing after a week

I haven't talk to my mum and dad in weeks all I do is ignore them. Mrs Ranti and my Mum has started the wedding preparations, Mrs Ranti had asked me to join them a number of times but it's either I don't pick her calls or I say no,I don't know why she's rushing like this maybe she's scared that one of us will back out all of a sudden.

I never thought this is how my life will end up, married to the person I hate. All this arranged marriage in tvs and books always end up happily but what if my case is different.

What if he ends up killing me or he tortured me till I commit suicide or one day I get too frustrated and kill him in annoyance.

I don't see anything good coming out of this marriage, they just want to ruin our life

Imagine my mum coming to drop engagement ring in my room in the middle of the night, she thought I was asleep and she dropped it with a note saying

'Your engagement ring, wear it so that people will know you're engaged'

I felt like using it to stone her head, I didn't wear it ooo, I threw it away immediately

Mrs Ranti even complained, she was like

"Kishi why don't you wear your ring"Mrs Ranti says annoyed

"Is it not enough that I have accepted to marry your son, what else do you want from me" I say with a long hiss

"Tolu don't talk to your mother in law like that" my mum warned as I hissed and walked out.

My phone rings as I pick without looking at the caller ID

"Hello" I say as I await for response but no one answered

"Anytime I hear you voice it always brings me sadness" the person says as I immediately know the voice

"I'm surprised you can feel sadness" I say retorting back at him

"Yeah, I'm surprised myself too, you were the one who brought sadness into my life immediately you showed your ugly face"

"I'm glad to be the one to inflict pain into your life" I say as I hear him groan from the other end

Mumu thought he could insult me and I'll be looking
"Why are you calling me?, I don't have time for you"

"What are you now doing cause the last time I checked you don't have a job all you do is sit all day and sometimes go to your friends place" he says as I scoff

"Stalker much" I say about to cut the call when he speaks up again

"Dress up nicely and I'll pick you up by 3:00 sharp" he say cutting the call on me

What the? , see the way he just commanded me like that expecting me to obey. He should come and carry me

It's already 2:30 and that's the best time to sleep, I lay down on my bed and immediately drift off to sleep


Who is that person knocking my door like a mad person
I check the time to see it already 3:15

I get up and walk to door to check who's at it, I open it to see a furious Nathaniel at my doorstep

"What do you want?" I ask looking at him

"I have been here for the past fifteen minutes knocking, do you know how embarrassing that was" he says as I hiss walking away leaving the door open as he followed behind me

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