Chapter Twenty five

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Me: I'm on my way
I quickly text back rushing towards the door

"Hold up, hold up, what's going on?" I hear Nathan say as he rushes behind me

"I don't know, I got a text saying something was wrong with Khabby and I have to go" I gush out rushing for the door again

"Khabby?" He asks probably not knowing who that is

"One of my friends, part of the people I was talking about for the trip. Can I go now?, I don't have time" I say as he nods running somewhere

I hear his footsteps approaching and I see him walking over with a car key in his hands

"come on I'll drive" Nathan says opening the door and rushing out with me following behind him

We enter the car and zoom off going to the direction of Khabby's house

I continuously tap my feet on the cars floor trying to calm my nerves

To be honest I was panicking, I hoped nothing huge was the problem. Hearing that she was crying was a shock to me.

"You really need to calm down, I'm sure everything is fine" Nathan tries to assure me but I nod my head in disapproval

"That's not true, you can't be right" I contradict him

"And why not?, I'm sure cases like this have come up before and she's just having a bad day or something related" he says once again as I sigh deeply

"That's the issue" I say as he looks at me confused

"What's the issue about that" he asks as I sigh once again

"She never cries" I conclude my sentence as he looks at me in disbelief

"I'm serious she never cries, the last time she cried was when she was 10 years old and that was when her dad passed away" I tell him as he nods in understanding

"Wow..,that's deep" Nathan responds as I roll my eyes

Seriously?, deep?, that's all he could come up with

I direct him to khabby's place and as soon as we got there I jump out of the car and rush in to see Kemi at her door banging it

"I'm here, I got here as fast as I could what's going on?" I ask clearly needing more details about the whole situation

"I don't know, I came to visit her and when I knocked on the door she opened with her eyes red an teary. So I asked her what happened and if everything was alright, but she immediately slams the door shut in my face and since then have been hearing sobs and cries from inside" Kemi tells me as I stare at the door in worry
I move closer to the door hearing her cry, I knock slowly trying to sound as gentle as possible

"Khabby, it's me Kishi. Come on open up we can discuss about this together, I'm sure we can solve this together" I try to persuade her to open the door but I hear even louder cries from inside with no attempt to open the door

"Khabby come on, we have been through all sad and happy moments since kids, you can share anything with us, we are family...remember the first time I got rudely and cruelty dumped by my one week boyfriend and six months crush and cried continuously throughout the day, you guys were there with me and it made me feel so much more better"I say trying to give instances of when we solved stuffs together, then maybe she could open the door and let us in

"Remember the time, that a random dude grabbed my ass and tried to fucking harass me, I went haywire and started to beat him up, you both saw the police officers coming and joined me in beating him up and then we all got arrested on charges of assault but then we bribed them and they let us go with no criminal record" Kemi says as I hear Khabby slightly chuckle from behind the door

I signal to Kemi to keep going cause it seemed like she was getting better........better enough to open the door I mean

"And the time we found out my mum was sick and tried to raise money for her bill" I add as I hear her sniffle

I pray this works.

Come on Khabby. Open this damn ducking door!!!

"And the time you had totally lost your mind about BTS and wanted to do everything in your power to buy an army package shit and we had to raise money for it cause you begged and begged and begged" Kemi says as I chuckle
Those where good times.

We hear a click as the door opens reveling a really really not so good looking Khabby.

I rush up to her, crushing her in a hug immediately

"My poor baby, what happened?" I asked trying to calm her down

She burst out crying ones again on my shoulders as I pat her back in comfort

"He left me, he dumped me like some trash...I gave him my all...I lost my virginity to him"she whispers the last part so only me and Kemi could here. Nathan was at the far corner and I doubt he would hear anything

I gasp in shock....what!!....Khabby as always been the marriage before sexual intercourse kind of girl and she also influenced us with that so how she lost it was just surprising

"I'm so sorry, come on let's get in and talk about this
I allow Kemi lead Khabby inside as I turn to face Nathan, walking over to him I give him a small smile

"You should probably get going...this might take a while, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting. It's late in the night already so I'll probably spend the night here. So you should quickly get going before it gets even later" I advice as he nods adjusting himself from his leaning position, he walks away sending a small wave down my path

I return the wave and turn to face the issue at hand...

This is going to be a long night


End of chapter!!!!

Nathan's POV up next


Sara nien❤️💞


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