Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nathaniel's POV

I watch the pathetic scene unfold in front of me

I can't believe it. Finally me and Kishi we're having a normal conversation without any fights but boom somebody just had to ruin the moment with a stupid text.

I can't believe we ran over here because someone was crying, I'm not heartless but that's a bit too much.

I roll my eyes as Kishi knocks on her door and her sobs get louder...What on earth I'm I watching right now

This is so dramatic😒

I listen in as they recall pat moments together of there encounters...I'm quite shocked at their encounters, I mean arrested? That's just hardcore shit

The door finally opens as her red and puffy face is revealed,

She looks down at her feet and then Kishi runs to hug her probably muttering comforting words

My anger reaches its peak when I hear her talk

"He left me, he dumped me like some trash...I gave him my all...I lost my virginity to him"she whispers the last part but I still caught it

I can't believe my moment with Kishi was ruined by a bad break up

Are you kidding me?!!!!!!!!!. Honestly I felt like walking up to kady or whatever her name is and giving her a piece of my mind

They say something else which I can't pick up due to my anger and Kishi walks up to me

I try to calm myself down so not to allow the anger show on my face

"You should probably get going...this might take a while, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting. It's late in the night already so I'll probably spend the night here. So you should quickly get going before it gets even later" She advices me as I just nod trying to hide my disappointment, I adjust myself from the position in was in and start to walk away sending a small wave down her path

She waves back and turns around.

I sigh laying down on the couch thinking of nothing in particular,of course except Kishi...who wouldn't think of her she's a fucking goddess

How can someone be so fucking beautiful, sweet, sexy, nice, badass, mean and so much more

I chuckle thinking of how cute she could be sometimes

FRIENDS?!!,What on earth was I thinking when I asked her to be friends?, What on earth was she thinking when she accepted my friendship. Obviously she doesn't like me talkless of loving me...after everything I had done to her damn she should hate me

I don't think I can be friends with her. Friends?, who on earth was I kidding,what I feel for her is way past friendship.

Friends don't want to kiss their friends every single time they see them. Friends don't want them not to have any other male friends aside them only, Friends don't wish that they never leave their sides and are always in each other's arms

Though I know I can't stand the idea of just being friends with her, I would for sure rather have her as a friend than as nothing

I hear my door open as I groan already knowing who it is

"I told you to stop coming here" I say getting up to face Ayomi

Uhhhh, why his he such a pain in the ass☹️

"What happen, you sad that Kishi is not here to keep you company?" He taunts me as I roll my eyes signaling for him to get out

"Noooo, I don't want to go" he say whining like a kid

Maybe because we lived in the US our whole lives that's why he is behaving like them

"You're not a child bro, Get out" I say as he shrugs walking over to the couch and sitting down

I sigh giving up, there was nothing else to do and I was too tired to kick him out

I also go sit and bring out my phone,hoping to find something that would cure my boredom

Then I remember.....

"Oh yeah,I almost forgot you're coming with me next week, we are going on my honeymoon" I say going back to my phone

"Uhhh?,honeymoon?, both of us?" He asks clearly confused


"Not us you dummy, Kishi and I were supposed to go on our honeymoon but since we are now Friends we decided to take people along with us so it doesn't get awkward" I explain as he nods and then burst out laughing

"Did you just say Friends?" He asks in between laughter

I roll my eyes clearly frustrated and annoyed
This was not something to joke about and he should know

"Fine,I'm sorry....but it's just so funny" he says once again trying to hold back his laughter

I decide not to elaborate on the Friendship relationship that now existed between Kishi and I and just ignored him

"Are you coming or not?" I ask as he nods shrugging

"Why not?, I'm in need of a vacation from's so stressful lately so I think it would be good for me and let's not start in the girls that I would meet" he says smirking as I roll my eyes clearly not interested in that aspect

"Oh I forgot, my dude here is now a one woman guy...isn't that so sad" I stand up walking upstairs getting pissed by his endless talk of rubbish

Getting into my room, I start to plan the honeymoon or should i say trip and start to book hotels and flight tickets and a lot of reservations

On a norms, I would get someone to do it for me but I need something to distract me from my endless thoughts of Kishi and if you've noticed I'm quite bored.

I yawn turning my computer off and walking to bed, I felt sleepy. Probably because of I've been mentally and emotionally strained

I hope by the time I get up in the morning I'd be feeling much better and be able to accept the fact that nothing was going to happen between Kishi and I, it would always just be Friendship or Hatred


End of chapter guys💋

Hope you enjoyed the chapter😌

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Lotta love❤️

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