Chapter Eighteen

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I walk into the house slumping on the chair feeling so tired, I've been walking around for a long time and my feet's are killing me . I take off my shoes tossing them aside as I snuggling into the couch pillow as I hear a loud bang turning my head swiftly at the main door where the sound came from. I walk slowly to the door as I feel relief wash over me as I stare at Nathan.

"What do you think you're doing scaring people like that?" I ask folding my hands as he just stares at me and shoved me to the side walking past me, I watch him stagger all the way to the kitchen as I stare at him in shock.

His he....

He can't be....

He's DRUNK!!!!!

"Nathaniel are you drunk?" I ask as he just looks up and stares at me before returning back to searching for what I don't know without answering my question.

"Why are you soo drunk like this?, answer me" I ask grabbing his arm

I hate to admit it but I'm quite worried right now, have never seen him so drunk before and even if I haven't seen him this drunk, he doesn't look okay at all

"What do you want me to say, I'm sure you feel totally happy and fulfilled seeing me like this,because I would if I were in your position" he slurs out as I try to make a little meaning to what he is saying

"What?, why would I be happy seeing you like this?" I ask obviously confused as he scoffs trying to glare at me but failing miserably

"This is what you've always wanted , I was in your position a few days ago when you came in drunk and I was so expecting to be happy but look at me, I was pathetically sad and worried which totally confirmed I was crazy for feeling that way" he says as I stare at him in shock

Was he serious right now?, he couldn't have been worried about me

"Why don't you just go to your room and sleep we can talk tomorrow" I suggest as he stares at me

"Talk?, why do you keep on lying to me, we don't fucking talk, all we do is argue and argue every freaking time!!!, I hate that!!!!, I hate that so much!!!, why can't we talk like normal people for once, all I want to do is talk to you Kishi, all I want to do is talk to you" He says a lot of emotions laced in his words

I feel my heart soften as he talks, he sounds so sad and desperate, does Nathaniel actually want to talk to me?"

"We'll talk okay, just go up to your room and rest, we'll talk some other time okay, go and sleep I'm sure that will clear your mind a little" I say trying to convince him to go and sleep

"Clear my mind!!, I can't fucking clear my mind!!, you are here, here, here every freaking time and I want you to get the fuck out, why the fuck are you in my stupid head, get the fuck out!!!, why are you always there, why?!!!!" He screams as he grabs a glass and hits it on the floor in anger as I turn to see the broken glass shattered all over the ground

He's thinking about me?, why?, what's he saying?, and why is my heart pounding so hard

While still in daze of what Nathan said I did not notice him bend and start picking up the shattered parts of the glasses, I snap out of my daze widening my eyes as I see him try to pick up the pieces of the glasses

"Stop, What are you doing?, you're drunk you're going cut yourself" I say bending also to try and stop him.He tries to move away but ends up with a cut, blood oozing out of his hand like running water, I curse glaring at him

"I told you not to pick it up, where's the first aid kit?" I ask as he points up, probably to his room

I grab his other hand dragging him up the stairs and to his room, he's loosing a lot of blood since the cut is too deep. I sit him down on his bed as I search for the first aid kit, I find it and start to clean his wound

"How can you cut your hands like this when you're not a baby" I say as I bandage his hands

"Look at how you injured yourself, do you know how bad it could be" I say staring at his hands once again to check any form of injury

I could feel his burning gaze practically burning through my forehead but I'm too scared to look into his eyes, I finally sum up the courage to look at him straight in the eyes

He keeps on staring at me as I see his eyes move from my eyes to my lips frequently as he keeps moving closer and closer tills our lips are inches apart, He looks at me and then my lips like he's asking for permission, I nod absent minded as he come closer,our lips touch and bam

He's asleep guys

I shake him a little to see whether he's actually asleep and yes he is

I move a sleeping Nathen up on his bad and just let him sleep, as I'm about to walk out I feel him drag me back muttering some words that I couldn't quite pick up

I try to stand again but he's hands hold me firm in this position and it's quite uncomfortable

I try waking him up but he doesn't wake up and I end falling asleep there


That's the end of the chapter bitches!!!!!!!!

Writer: I can't believe you fell asleep 🤦🏾‍♀️

Nathaniel: you made me fall asleep, so this is all your fault

Writer: don't blame me, I couldn't let you do that, it would make the readers angry soooo

Nathaniel: No it won't, you just did it for fun

Writer: I guess you're right😏

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