Chapter Twelve

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I walk out of her room smiling, I am quite impressed at how she took care of Damilola

She was such a bother but I'm sure she isn't going to be anymore

I get a call from office so I quickly rush down

*********time skip*****

I text Kishi to make sure she was ready for the dinner party I had informed her about yesterday

I had already had my suit and everything ready so I just wanted to make sure Kishi was also prepared

Once I was through with work, I text her again letting her know that I'd be picking her up by 7:00

It was still quite far from 7, so I decided to go to a friends out for the mean time

"The little of Kishi that I know of, she's definitely not ready for the party, she probably had forgotten about the party" i
tell my best man Ayomi as he comes out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two glass cups

"Really?" He asks as I nod

"You really seem to know much about her" he says as I look at him with a confused expression

"Me?, No not really , I know just little about that bitch" I say taking a sip of my wine

I see Ayomi wince when I call her a bitch

What the fuck is his problem

"Bro, why you dey insult omo lomo like this" he says chuckling as I roll my eyes

I decide to not answer his question and ignore him as I keep sipping my wine

"How far Dami?" He asks as I chuckle remembering the event that occurred this morning

"She's been taking care of" I say chuckling slightly

"Ehn!, seriously how did you handle that maniac"

"I didn't do it, it was Kishi" I say smiling as Ayomi gives me one kind of look

"What?" I ask as he just shrugs and goes back to his wine

Something Is definitely wrong with this weirdo

"Soo.. you and Kishi, how are you guys going in that house?, hope no problem?" Ayomi asks as I scoff

"Problem, Kishi is the definition of problem,she finds a way to make trouble out of everything, she never lets me rest she's an annoying stuck up bitch" I sum up standing up to go get ready for the party

Ayomi chuckles and keeps on drinking his wine


I get to the house exactly 7:00, texting Kishi to come down when I receive a call from my secretary

"Place the files on my table and arrange them according to their importance, cancel  my meeting with them, I don't-" I was cut off as I turn to face Kishi

What?!!!!!!, is this truly Kishi

I'm absolutely shocked, HOLY SHIT!!!, fuck it's her

She looks WOW, there's no way to describe her look right now?

"Sir, sir were you saying something" I hear my secretary saying

"I'll call you later" I whisper still staring at Kishi

Who knew she could look this.....WOW

I snapped back to reality when someone sneaked up behind me saying something I couldn't quite catch

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