Chapter Fourty Eight

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Walking into the house felt different…it felt homey and comfortable like it’s my home

I take a deep breath of the air and walk in…immediately heading for my room, I ignore the now distant voice of Nathan as I enter my room with haste locking the door behind me. The events of the day immediately playing in my head…


I can’t believe all that has happened in the span of a few hours…I should be really scared right now but the fear is overwhelmed by the feeling of happiness and joy over the events that occurred today…Nathan and I were now officially couples.

I am so happy but I also can’ help but feel a little anxious on the changes that’s going to occur between us and what was going to happen after this. A lot of questions popped in my head as I slowly headed towards the bathroom hoping for a warm refreshing bath.

Are we going to now behave like actual couples?

Are we going to share a room permanently?

Are we going to have a family together?

Are we going to have sexual intercourse?!!!

Questions like this popped into my head and to be honest they were freaking me out, it’s not that I didn’t want all that but I didn’t want them now, believe it or not I wanted to take things slow but I’m not sure Nathan wanted the same thing as me.

Should I bring it up? Should I tell him about my worries and what exactly I would like?

To be honest, I’ve always wanted to pass through the dating stage before marriage and also the proposal for the marriage itself. I wanted to go on dates, wanted to cuddle while watching a movie…argue over different things and threaten to break up with him when he does something wrong…I had a lot of things I’d love to do but I guess I can’t.

So, I wasn’t really ready to go all the way right now…I just wasn’t ready

I get out of the bathroom feeling a bit better when I hear a knock on my door before a voice calls out

“Kishi are you okay? You just ran upstairs immediately we got back, is everything alright?” he asks me and I smile a little at his worried tone before deciding to answer him 

“I’m fine don’t worry” I reply him trying to get dressed properly to make sure he confirms that I’m fine

“well when you’re done with what you’re doing then come done for uhm dinner…I’m cooking by the way so you wouldn’t want to miss that” he says as I hear his footsteps fade away meaning he’d gone back downstairs.

I dress quickly in comfortable cloths before rushing downstairs to go see Nathan cook. I wouldn’t miss that for the world. I get downstairs slowing down a bit before heading to the kitchen.

“do you even know how to cook?” I ask immediately I enter the kitchen to find the whole place in a huge mess. What the heck was he doing?

“what on earth are you doing? This place is a mess” I question him looking around the kitchen to see everything messed up

“well I uhm tried to cook but it turns out that I am a little rusty in the whole cooking stuff, but do not bother yourself, I’ll clear this all up and cook you something great” Nathan tells me looking as confused as ever

“how? How do you plan on cleaning all this up and then cook something edible. You can’t cook nor clean so you definitely need my help” I say chuckling a bit and then picking up a napkin to wipe the dirty surfaces

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