Chapter One

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"Next!!" I shout as the next person comes to stand infront of me

"What would you like to order sir?" I ask politely as I am told to.

"Uhmm,how much is rice?" The man asks clearly finding it difficult to pick what food he wants to buy.

"Sir, it depends on how many spoons you want" I reply staring at him plainly.

"spoons? What do you mean by spoons?" he asks clearly confused and i'm left wondering if this is his first time in a restaurant.

Before I can try to explain the concept of how to buy rice in a restaurant, he's already speaking again.

"don't bother about that and tell me the type of snacks you sell?" he asks loosing interest in the rice.

To be honest, this man seems like he's just here to joke around and waste my time. And I won't let him...

"There's a list on each table so you can check it there, and when your are ready and fully prepared to order then you can come back to order" I say pointing to a table nearby.

"Oh okay" he say slightly embarrased and walks away.



"Zainab!!, my shift is over and you're still inside the toilet dressing. You've been in there for hours,are you dressing for fashion parade ni??? I'm going to go cause I can't wait any longer" I say walking out of my place of work 'OMOWUNMI RESTAURANT'

Yes, I work in a restaurant. I work to take care of my father who is a retired soldier, my mother who was into trade but can't anymore because of an illness in which I am trying to raise money to treat while also juggling with my three younger siblings school fees.

I also unfortunately have rent ,food and light bills to attend to.
It's very hard to stay on our feet mainly because I'm the only one putting money on the table. It's so hard for me but I try my best.

I'm just twenty and I have this huge responsibilities , I dropped out of school cause there was no money to further my education so I can't get a good job.

I'm even thanking God that I found this one, it was very hard. I still remember me begging the manager like as if my life wanted to end and she forcefully gave me the job but now I'm proud to say that I am her favourite staff.

I finally get home and open the door to see my dad watching news on the TV in the sitting room.

"Mo ti de sir , Se eti jeun?" I ask my dad as he turns to face me

"Ahh Omo mi, oti de, bawo ni ise leni?" He asks me as I just nod

"Sir,I want to quickly go and freshen up" I say as I go to my room to freshen up......


The next day, I get to work a bit late, to see everyone already working and behaving so coordinated which is so unusual... meaning only one thing THE SECOND BOSS IS HERE!!!

I quickly change and go to my post before he catches me

"I see Miss Kishi here is late to work" the second boss comes out of the office glaring at me like I've wronged him before when we barely even know each other. All I know is that he really hates me and I don't know why?

His mum loves me though, yep I said it, the boss is his mum and that's why he is being proud.

Actually, from what I have heard from all the rumors...what happened was that he is to inherit his dad business but since his dad is not fully retired they shared the businesses into two so the father takes a part while Jomiloju takes the rest but once the dad is fully retired Jomiloju takes everything, his mum runs two restaurant one here and the other in lekki. All this information was gotten from the gossipers in this restaurant, gossipers which include me.

"I'm sorry sir, there was tra-" I try to explain before he cuts me off

"I don't care, there will be a deduction of your salary" he says smirking

Ehn! I can't afford such deduction...what on earth is his actual problem...I hate him,he should just go and die

I already want to start begging when his mum arrives

"What's going on here?" Mrs Ranti asks as she sees ma in my kneeling position

"Ma, Mr Jomiloju wants to deduct my salary, ma please help me beg him" I fake cry as she raises her hands to stop me

"My dear, stand up he will not do that" she says as I slowly stand up

"But mom, she was late" he says his smirk turning into a frown

"Shebi emi ni mo ni company mi?" She asks as he nods

"Then let me handle my company and my staffs" she says walking into her office signalling for him to follow her, I felt like laughing in his face as he eyes me and follows his mum...

What a joke of a he's problem with me exactly I have no idea, and I don't even want to long as he just keeps away from me and minds his business.

"Mummy I want iced cream" I turn to the voice to see a little girl and her mummy

"Good morning ma, what will you like to order?" I ask getting ready to type it in

"I'll have jollof and fried rice in one plate in another I'll have Amala with your vegetable soup and meat in another plate then I'll have ofada rice and the stew in another plate-" before she continues I stop her

"Is this a family meal so I'll know how to serve it" I ask smiling

"Oh no, its only me and my little girl" she says smiling back

Hold on so she wants to eat all this food, Food monger ayeraye, ahn ahn

"as I was saying in another plate...."

After her 6 plate order it was time to pay

"That will be 20,000 naira" I say calculating everything.

"Ahn ahn what's that, am I buying the restaurant ni?" She asks

"Ehn ehn you're buying your food" I say calling out what she bought to know that its worth it

"Ahn ahn, 20,000 is too much oo, please help me reduce it" she says smiling at me, this time I frown back.

Did she come here without money and she ordered that big thing?

"Ma this is not a market that you can price what you buy" I say getting a little irritated

"No, like just help me reduce it to 5,000, we are both women and we understand ourselves, I don't have money and you know our economy is very hard" she says

"Ma, I don't want to embarrass you please just carry your bag and go" I say

"Ahn ahn, ko le to yen" she says

"Ma if you cannot pay the money there's nothing I can do, next time buy what you can afford" I say as she begins to eye me

I just ignore her and cancel her order while I move to another customer.

* * *
Thanks so much for reading my very first chapter...
I hope you liked it...see you in the next one...

Lotta love....BYE🌝


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