Chapter Fourteen

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"I should go" she says literally sprinting out as I watch her run out of my office

I just stand there watching the place she had just ran through, I could not just register what had just happened, I don't know why on earth I had kissed her, I should have pushed her away but the heat and the obsession of wanting to kiss her at that moment was too much for me to suppress.

I slump down on my chair as I smile remembering the kiss, I guess I did nothing bad after all she's my wife right?.

My phone starts to ring as I lean over grabbing it as I look at the caller ID, it was my Mum, I debate on whether I should pick it or not since I wasn't really on speaking terms with my Mum since my marriage to Kishi, I was really angry at my Mum for what she did. If Kishi thinks she is the only one not speaking to her parents then she's wrong.

I decide to go to bed after I tried to work cause I couldn't concentrate as the memory of what happened minutes ago keeps popping back into my head. I tidy up my desk leaving my office as I walk to my room, I stare at Kishi's room door contemplating whether I should knock but I decided not to Incase she was sleeping and entered my room laying on my bed

My phone rings as i pick up without checking the caller ID

"Hey Nathan" the voice says obviously a woman, I retract the phone from my ear checking the caller ID

Teresa?, what does she want

"What's it?" I ask as she chuckles

"Just wanted to ask if you needed a nice fuck but since you're married I doubt you'd be able to pull that of" she says as I scoff

What on earth does she man by that?, that I'm grounded because I'm married

"I'm down for a nice time" I say

Just because I kissed Kishi once doesn't mean I like her or anything like that, I still hate her for ruining my life and she needs to know that before she gets ahead of herself and I know how to pass the message

"Where and when?" She asks as I smirk

"My house, around 6" I say cutting the call as I stand getting ready for work

After I was done, I come downstairs,going to the dining to have breakfast as I spot Kishi already seated as she sips her tea

She notices my presence, looking up as she smiles at me

"Good morning" she greets

Does she think that she could woo me with some flimsy kiss and an annoying smile, she must be shitting herself if she does think that.

I see Elizabeth already serving my food

"Forget it, I'll eat in the office" I say walking out of the house ignoring her stupid greetings

I get home by five, to see Kishi sitting in the living room watched her stupid Chinese bullshit, she notices my presence as she stands up walking up to me

"Welcome back" she greets smiling at me

Uhhhh, again with the stupid acting

"Let me get that for you" she says attempting to grab my bag as I move it away nosing as she looks up at me

"This doesn't suit you" I say as she stares at me

"What doesn't suit me" she asks as I scoff

"You acting like some kind of caring wife and all, why don't you go back to being a whiny bitch with crazy anger issues, cause that would definitely fit you better" I say as she stares at me in disbelief

"What do you mean by that?" She asks shock still written on her face

"Just because we shared some flimsy kiss doesn't mean that I'd come running into your arms and some relationship would bloom, wake up from your dream bitch, I still hate you and your annoying face, so please stop the act already it's becoming irritating, nothing is ever going to happen between us" I state as she stares at me as tears well up in her eyes as they threaten to fall

Was that too much?, seeing her about to cry like this, I'm not sure I wanted her to cry I just wanted her to back off

"Wow, that was unbelievably ash but correct and precise,here I was thinking at least we could be civil and not fight every time but I guess I was wrong and you're right. Just because of some kiss doesn't mean that anything is going to change and I was just being childish. I'll leave you to be" she says as tears slip from her face as she turns her back walking away

Her words cut deep within me like some kind of sword stabbing me over and over again, I stare at her retreating figure feeling so guilty, she turns back and smiles, not your normal kind of smile, the type of smile that shows anger, sadness and another emotion that I couldn't quite read

"And also, I hate you too" she says as she turns back walking away

Hatred, the last emotion was hatred

I couldn't shrug of the guilt I was feeling within me and I felt like it was eating me up and that why I am impatiently waiting for Teresa to arrive so I can get rid of all the stupid emotion

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