Chapter Fourty One

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Kishi's POV
I lay on my bed sighing as I stare at my packed luggage, I can't believe this is my last day abroad

Nathan had told me yesterday that something important had come up and we had to be home by next tomorrow and that meant  we were leaving Canada tomorrow and going back to Nigeria

I groan once again turning on my stomach trying to listen to what my two best friends were saying... I'm on the phone with them right now and they are doing an awful job in trying to convince me to go out today.

"Come on we should make the best of our last day here" Khabby suggests whining like a baby from the phone

"I'm to sad to be partying" I say sitting back up cause the position I was in was too  uncomfortable making me look at a person I was trying to ignore, I immediately avert my gaze from him so I don't get caught staring and try to ignore the presence of another person in this room and focus more on the conversation I was having

"But you'll regret it if you don't" Khabby says as I just shrug even though I know she can't see me

"Fine fine fine call you when I'm ready " I scream playfully cutting the call

I sigh in relief at the end of that devastatingly long phone call, I love my friends but sometimes they can just be soo frustrating....especially when the news of us returning was still bothering me.

That was not the only thing bothering me.....I haven't talked to Nathan in a while(a day) and I don't even know what to do.....he seems to also be steer clear of me and occasionally talking to me if it is extremely necessary in which I don't reply back

I practically acted like the person Nathan doesn't exist.... I mean after what he did at the beach only a fool will want to talk to him

It kinda saddened me that we were going to go back to Nigeria fighting cause I didn't want that but I was still angry and wasn't willing to talk to him anytime soon....

My phone rings again as I turn to pick it up hoping it's not Khabby or Kemi, i wasn't really in the mood to talk to them

I smile as I see the caller ID, it's SAM!!

Finally someone that I can manage to talk to!!

"Hey" I say answering the phone as I see Nathan raise his head up from his phone and looks at me questionably
I just ignore him and focus more on the phone call

We talk for a while as I inform him the sad news of my departure

"Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow" I tell him as I hear him sigh deeply

"awwn and I was hoping we could spend more time together" he says sadely

"I know right it's just so sad" I reply back

"Guess we should make the best of today then" he says once again his voice clearing up a bit 

"Yeah...that's exactly what my friends said, but I don't really feel like"

"well your friends were right I mean Come need to enjoy your last moment here" Sam tries to persuade me and I must say that he is really good at persuading people

"fine whatever, I'll just go out with my friends and try to have fun... What of you any plans for today?" I ask him

"Yeah with you obviously thats after you have gone out with your let's just meet up this afternoon when you're done and have some fun"

"Uhmmm...sure. I practically have nothing doing after that "

"Okay...since it's already 12 in the afternoon, let's say around 3 "

"Okay it's a plan...bye"

"Bye senorita" he greets before cutting the call

I stand up already dressed and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I just ignore him walking out the door

I decide to call Kemi and Khabby so we could have some fun before  I go to meet SAM

3 hours later....
"Hey Sam" I greet as I reach him

We engage in a side hug as a form of greeting

"Glad you could make it....I have the whole day planned out for us believe me" He says immediately dragging me along with



I watch as she smiles and giggles with that boy

"Who the fuck is that boy anyways and why is he with Kishi" I say out loud as I continue to watch them chat

I was sitting at a corner in the hotels lobby so they couldn't see me, I had been watching them for over 10 minutes

"You can't call her yours since she practically hasn't talk to you for
a day or so and as a matter of fact is very angry at you at the moment" Ayo says pointing out the obvious

To be honest, I have no idea what happened at the beach the other day, I'm very confused about the whole situation regarding the beach.

It was like I was no longer in control of my own body. I'm still  trying to figure out what exactly happened at the beach

We were talking and for some reason I decided to bring up the almost kiss topic and the boom next thing I know I'm kissing her....although it was the best kiss ever, immediately our lips departed I was brought back into the real world of having to explain  why I kissed her in the first place....I totally panicked and words just started to fly out of my mouths and I know for sure those words were not mine.

I was so scared that I had panicked and said shit that even I would've been angry if someone had said that to me

So why hadn't I apologized if I was so regretful?, maybe because I would still have to explain why I had kissed her in the first place if I claimed that I didn't mean what I had said in the beach.

What's more scary than Kishi being angry at me is Kishi rejecting my feelings...that's just so scary

I clench my fist in anger as I watch her laugh and talk to some weird boy she got acquainted with at the beach

She's outright flirting with him or him at her.
My patience runs dry immediately he reaches to touch her face.

I immediately get up and strut over to them blocking out Ayomi's warning and shouts for me to not do something stupid

On getting to them, I immediately grab Kishi's hands moving her away from his touch

Kishi turns to stare at me with a shocked and startled expression before changing to an irritated and annoyed expression

"What the fuck are you-" I cut her off turning to glare at the boy she had been talking to before I appeared

"Don't ever talk to her again if you know what's good for you" I threaten him, not waiting to hear what he had to say.

I drag Kishi with me to our room ignoring her endless protest

She tries to struggle with me but my grip is to firm for her to get her hand released

I open the door to our room and push her in..... my anger getting the best of me


This story will soon be coming to an end guys... Sorry for the late update... I was extremely busy.

This chapter is quite clumsy but the next chapter is going to be epic don't worry

Pls vote, comment and share my book

Love ya💓❤️

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