Chapter Four

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I stood at the back of my door as I burst into tears

Not because I was sad but because I was angry and my anger turned into tear
How could my parents do this to me, I always thought they loved me but today they showed me their true colors, they only care about themselves

I will not marry their son

He's nickname should be Mr(I was born to be angry all the days of my life and to torture people till they commit suicide)
He's what they call evil itself
He's annoying
He's wicked
He's foolish
He's stupid
He's sooooo uhhhh

Why would he even accept to marry me he hates my guts, there's more to this and I'm going to find out

Its been a week, I did not go to work

I just come out of my room to eat and watch zee world

I was distant to everybody even kemi and khabby

All I did was think and think and think and think

My mum and dad tried severally to talk me into marrying that beast but it's either I just ignore them or scream No

"Grrr" my phone rings

"Hello" I pick up without checking the callers ID

"Better say no" the voice says

Uhh this foolish person again, I'm already disturbed but he keeps calling me and saying nonsense

"Abeg who are you?" I ask

"Your future hubby" he says in a girly voice

I already know who it is

" Mr Nathaniel please leave me alone and stop threatening me" I say as I cut the call

I was scrolling through my phone when I heard screaming

"Tolu!!" I hear screaming from outside
I get up immediately and rush out to see my mum laying on the floor

"Mummy, please open your eyes" I beg forgetting I was angry at her

"She is not waking up Tolu" Ire cries

"Let's get her to the hospital, Ire go hail a cab quickly" I say as she runs outside

"Please doctor, is she going to be alright?" I ask as they drag my mum in on a stroller

"You've been covering this for too long, if you don't get the money to perform the necessary treatment. I'm afraid she's going to die" Doctor Feranmi says rushing her to the emergency room

"Tolu, I'm scared where are we going to get the money to treat mummy now and none of our relatives want to help us" my sister says sobbing

"We'll find a solution, God is with us" I say as I keep thinking of ways to get the money but all seems impossible

And then I remembered Mrs Ranti's proposal

That's the only legal thing I can do to get the money

After sitting in the veranda of the hospital for quite sometime I stood up making my decision

I'll have to say yes for my mums sake,I get up quickly running out the door, as I hail a cab and tell them where I was going to.

On reaching their gate,I stopped to rethink my decision but I knew that I had no other option

I walked into the house as Mrs Ranti comes to greet me smiling like she's just won some kind of lottery


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