Chapter Twenty-Three

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Right now I'm feeling so embarrassed, it's like the ground should literally open up and swallow me.

I'm lost for words as I let my gaze wonder anywhere but Nathan's side.

How dare he bring up the most embarrassing moment of my life so blatantly like it would not affect me in any way.

After he said that, I just couldn't say a thing and it's been awkward ever since.

"Look...."Nathan starts off as I turn to face him wanting to know exactly what he wanted to say

He sighed looking anywhere else but me, I couldn't blame him cause I was doing the same thing not to long ago

"I'm sorry" he breathes out still not looking at me

Sorry?, I wonder what he is sorry for, he didn't really do anything wrong, so what could he possibly be apologising for?. I don't think I have ever heard him say sorry to me before so I'm quite shocked.

"what for?"I ask Nathan who seems rather not eager to tell me

"Everything..... I'm sorry for everything I've done to you, it wasn't your fault that we got married you were also put on a tight spot and I was just selfish and unwilling to see that". Nathan blurts out covering his face with his hands

Ohhhh, so he knew all that and still decided to be mean to me.

Although I'm quite surprised and touched by his apology. I just couldn't forgive him all at once.

I open my mouth to speak but before I could get a word out Nathan continues to speak.

"I know that you couldn't possibly forgive me for all the terrible things I had done but I was hoping that since we are going to be leaving under  the same roof, we should get along a little like...."he trails off as I just stare at him knowing what he wants to say

Friends... Oh come on!!, that was my idea in the first place but when I told you, you barked at me blabbering shitty insults at my face. I wanted to tell him this but I refrained from doing so

The elevator was silent after that, no one was ready to talk. I was busy thinking about his proposal but I don't know what Nathan was thinking about.

The elevator made a opening sound and opened up as I breath sigh of relief, It was beginning to get suffocating in there.

There were some people at the door and they apologised for the elevator malfunctioning.

It was my rooms floor so once we stepped out of the elevator,i began to walk to my room slightly watching the guy tailing behind me slowly.

"I have nothing to say to please stop following me" I mutter hoping he'd catch it cause I really didn't have anything to say to him

I stop abruptly turning to face him

"Why are you here?" I ask him remembering that I forgot to ask him in the elevator

"Uhn?" He ask confused

Rolling my eyes I wonder, what's so confusing about a simple question

"You didn't come here looking for me or did you?"

"Ohhh Yeah...I came here for a meeting. Shoot! I left them hanging. Shit!!!, I've gotta go..I'll be back to take you home" He says running down the corridor

"Wait....I'm not going back with you!!!" I try to scream after him but he was long gone by then


I walk back into my room and start to pack, there wasn't much to pack so I was done in less that ten minutes

Sighing I walk to the window staring at the scenery in front of me, it was beautiful.

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