Chapter Three

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"I swear Kishi I was shocked and embarrassed oo, Imagine a whole me he now came with the rest of his idiots with one foolish packo ring that me I should marry him" My friend Kemi says

"What did you now do?" My other friend Kabberat asked clearly intrigued buy her story

Me,Kemi and Kabberat have been best friends since like forever. We used to call ourselves K³ cause our names all began with K.

"You know me now, I embarrassed his life. He would never forget it in his whole life again, love ke when he hears the word love he will japa straight, after what I did to him" she says dusting her shoulders as me and khabby laugh at her

Kemi has always been the confident one, everyone has a friend that fears nothing, always confident and sometimes violent and also a shy and gently friend (Kabberat) while last but not least is me the normal one not quiet and gentle but not noisy and over confident, I'm just normal I guess

We continue talking until my phone rings again, I ignore it and continue talking but my friends kept quiet and looked at me weirdly

"What?" I asked

"That's the 5th time your phone's rang" Kabberat says eyeing my phone

"Don't mind it oo, its just one number that has been spamming me with calls since" I say looking at my phone once again

"Have you tried picking and finding out what he wants" Kabberat asks as I nod

"I pick the first call when I heard"

"Say No!, don't marry me"

"I quickly cut the call out of fear" I say as my phone rings again

"let me handle this" Kemi says picking up the call and screaming

"What's your problem, stop calling this phone. why are you spamming omolomo with calls, please oo mind yourself" she says cutting the call with a long hiss added to it

"Thank you oo"I say being sarcastic as she playfully eyes me and laughs

" Ehn ehn, who watched lies of the heart yesterday" Kabberat asks

"I did oo, if you see what happened you will marvel" I say morning around a bit to make my point

"Me too oo, that Samarat is a goat, what's his own sef, why can't he just leave Urmi alone" Kemi says as we contribute to what she was saying

I'm a huge fan of zee world movies, though they might be dumb but there still very interesting

I look at the time to see it almost 5'0clock

"I have to go o, time as gone bye bye" I bid my friends goodbye

I get home to see my parents sitting on our old-dusty couch in silence like someone just died

"Mummy,daddy why are you both quiet like this, I hope everything is okay cause you both are acting like someone just died

"Kishi sit down we want to talk to you about something" my dad says as I slowly sit down
I wonder what they want to tell me that they're like this

"Well your boss and her husband came to our house today to tell us something" my mum starts as I urge her to continue

Why would my boss come here all of sudden without informing me

"And she offered to help pay my hospital bills, help pay for your sisters school fees,give us a house and cars, and give us money monthly to feed and sustain ourselves" my Mum says as my worried face broke into a confused and happy face

"I don't get, they just said it like that. OMG is this truly happening this is such a glorious and blessed day. But why are you sad, this is wonderful news" I say

"On one condition,which is too marry her son" my mum says as she looks at me

"I do admit that I'm a little disappointed but it was too good to be true, I wish I was there to see her face when you said No and also you don't have to worry I'll find another job" I say walking inside as my dad called me back

"Tolu we are not yet done talking to you" my dad says as I sit back down

"But what left to talk about. They brought a proposal and you said no end of story" I say clearly tired and frustrated

But by the look on their faces I don't think they actually said no

"You guys said no right?" I say trying to reassure myself

They both kept quiet

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe my own parents want to sell me out for money, now I'm beginning to doubt whether you ever even loved me or you were just using me to earn money for you or I'm I even your daughter cause for a mother to want to sell her own daughter for money that means she's not truly the daughter" I say as tears well up in my eyes

"Try to understand if you do this then our lives will be better-" my mum starts but I cut her off

"No, your lives will be better while I'll be living with a beast and suffering everyday of my life till I fucking die, I can't believe you are really going to sell me" I say sobbing

"Kishi we are not selling you out-"

"Then, What the fuck are you doing giving me out in exchange for money and luxury" I scream

"Young lady no swear words" my dad warned

Look at what's going on here and this is all he could say

"F*** you dad, I fucking hate you. Wow, this event is really showing who you guys really her, you guys are BITCHES AND ASSHOLES" I scream as I receive a huge slap right on my face

"What we did might be wrong and all but we still your parents and you have no right to talk to us in such manner, where is the training we spent all our time to train you uhn? Just gone
I'm sure one of the reasons for this behavior is because of that your friend kemi and I warned you to stop playing with her" my Mum says

"Kemi might be a bad friend but she didn't betray me like you did" I scream running up to my room

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