Chapter Thirty Six

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"Nathan what the fuck are trying to do?" Stuttering while bringing my hands down

Now his face his like literally touching mine...we were very close

He smirks right at me then before I knew it my phone was out of my hands and into his....he immediately jumps off me and then stands in front of the bed with a winning smirk

"Oh my Nathan what are you doing?" He imitates me squeaking his voice down and then widening his eyes to show panic

"I hate you, don't talk to me" I say pouting at him and turning my face away, I lay down on the bed and cover my whole body with the cover sheet

No caps...I despise Nathan so much

"Ahn ahn na, don't be like that" I hear him laugh at me

I decide to give him the silent treatment...sitting up I begin to grab pillows and then placing it on a line in the middle of the bed to create some kind of demarcation

"Don't freaking touch me" I sternly say laying back in the bed

"Yes ma" I feel the bed deepen beside me...Nathan has probably gotten into bed too

I take deep breaths and then close my eyes and let sleep take me

Nathan's POV

"Should I be worried?" I question Ayomi who is still trying to find a way to open his lollipop

"Yes you should" he confirms as I turn to stare at Kishi

Since what happened yesterday Kishi hasn't said a word to me at all...and it's already in the afternoon of the following day!!!

I thought she was just joking when she didn't talk to me yesterday but this has developed into a full blown out silent treatment war

"What do you think I should do?, She's freaking pissed and I don't want to go and say something that will piss her off even more" i explain my predicament to Ayo but all he does is nod and continues with his sweet wrap

"There's nothing to help you with, you dug your own grave....what where you even thinking, you wanted to form cool boy abi?" He says shrugging and walking away but not before throwing a smirk at me

I hate friends that are not helpful but he is right....I dug my own grave and I'm gonna dig my way out

I watch as she smiles and laughs with a very experienced but old chef.

We were at Ponseuir Venti restaurant where I took Kishi to learn how to make a French dish.

I know she loves cooking so I set this up for her so she could enjoy herself while doing what she loves

I continue to stare at her in are cheeks puff up when she laughing or smiling and when her brows creases together in confusion

The chef tells her something and she immediately turns to her friends wearing a panicked but playful face

Fucking gorgeous!!

Suddenly I get a call from my secretary asking about some business stuffs and also informing me of how i needed to make a quick arrival

"There's not much we can do without our boss, I'm sorry if I'd have to cut your honeymoon short but I'm about a month we'll need you back. There a limited amount of time a company can run well without the supervision of the boss" my secretary informs me as I nod my head, not that she can see me but at least I know she's right.
I'm about to reply when I hear a yelp, I instantly turn to see Kishi with a pained expression on her face as Kemi and Khabby run over to her

"What happened?" I ask immediately cutting the call

Rude but I'd apologize later

I run over to where she is standing and see two of her fingers bleeding.

Kishi had cut herself with a knife. Imagine this just being her second day and she already injured herself

I clear a part and reach Kishi in no time, grabbing her hand and going to the sink I try to treat her wounds by cleaning the blood off first

"Leave me, I don't need your help" Kishi say dragging her hands away from my grip

I inwardly roll my eyes. This is sooo Kishi!!, big she needs to know that now is not the time to throw tantrums

"This is not the time to show your anger, maybe after I've treated your wounds" I say with gritted teeth as she scowls at me and then gives me her injured hand

Why she accepted so easily is shocking to me but I have not time to ponder on that cause I need to treat her wounds so I take her hand and walk up to the sink to watch off the blood to try and find out how deep the cut is...I hope it isn't too deep though

She winces immediately water touches her injury

"Jeez, small small na" she whines and all I do is grunt, I'm focusing here...can't she see?
I try rubbing my hands on hers to make the blood watch off faster and it works cause in a matter of seconds the dried blood are watched off,though she's still bleeding it's less

"Like I'm the one who couldn't hold a knife properly" I say as she gasp while I get myself busy by looking through her wounds to see how the injury looks like, Okay or bad?

"Are you blaming me for this" she shouts and whispers at the same time.

"You should really learn how to hold a freaking knife Kishi, is that so hard" I scold as she pouts turning away from me

She gets angry fast which is not good cause I'm always going to be annoying and even more annoying to her

"You mess up again bro" I hear Ayo mutter behind me as I just shake my head in defeat and drag her to a chair to sit

The first aid box was already placed there and all I had to do was disinfect her wounds and place a bandage on it to avoid infection. Thankfully her wounds were not that deep soo it was going to heal soon

We both sit opposite each other and so I begin to treat her wound.

This should be the best time to apologize, the crowd had dissipated and Kemi and Kaberat were far enough from  us, so they wouldn't be able to hear our conversation

"I'm so sorry, didn't know you'd be so angry" I apologize as she shrugs still not looking at me

Kishi na!!!, don't make this hard for me!!

"Please na, for yesterday and what I said right now I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have questioned your cooking abilities I was just worried and that made me say what I didn't mean. So I'm really sorry, please forgive me" I beg as I see her smile small but she tries to hide it with a cough

Yessss!!!, I know I'm forgiven already. Although she's still trying to form hard guy

"Come on na, smile for me" I say raising up her chin slightly so I no go pass boundaries again

She uses her uninjured hand to swat my hands away

"Stop jhor" she smiles a little

"So we cool" I ask her as she nods

"We cool bro" she mistakenly says and immediately covers her mouth and stares at me with wide eyes wondering if I'd be angry at her slip up

I seriously get pissed when she calls me things like bro, guy or shit like that but because she's injured I'll let it slide

"I'll pretend like I didn't hear that just because you're injured"

"Wait wait wait-"

End of chapter ✌️✌️

Hope you liked it, cause I kinda did☺️

See you later guys
Lotta love💓

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