Chapter Thirty One

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"I'm not angry" I mutter hoping he'd catch it

"You are, I know you are" He says adamantly as I sigh getting up from the bed and getting into a sitting position

"Why would you think that?" I ask like a fool that I am

"For starters you yelled at me and then said good night at one pm in the afternoon" he says as I sigh even louder. Can I be more foolish?

"I'm no longer angry okay?, I'm fine now" I confirm as he nods coming to sit near me, I immediately shift like some kind of reflex action. I don't think he noticed it but if he did he didn't show it

"Sooo, we need to talk about out trip" he says as I nod in understanding

"We're going next week right?" I ask in confirmation

It's been a week since we discussed the topic and now we will be going next week

"I'm soo excited, by the way tell you dad thanks for me" I say as he nods grinning

"Me too" he says as I scoff

"You too?, why on earth will you be excited?'ve traveled abroad millions of times so what's so exciting about another trip?" I ask in disbelief as he just shrugs then says

"Cause I get to go with you" he says as I feel my heart plunge out of my chest and onto the ground

I was so touched and could barely hold my blush and girlish giggles but i manage to cover it up playing cool

"Smoooth, that was so smooth" I hail him as he frowns before going back to his normal grin in less than a second, if I wasn't staring directly at him then I would've missed it

I decided to let it go before it starts another fight

"what can I say?, it's in the blood" he smirks as I playfully hit him grinning like a fool

"But what's there to talk about?,I don't really know much about planning this kind of stuffs especially when it's abroad" I state as a matter of fact
"I know but it's so boring doing it I could use company, plus I could even teach you and also" he pause taking a deep breath then continues to say ".......we need to take a lot of couples pictures" Nathan tells me as I scrunch my face in confusion

"Couple pictures?, why?" I ask oblivious

"People think we went for our honeymoon soo we need to give proof and a lot of them,
plus we also need to act like a couple oo, not that that is going to be a problem cause we are already friends but I'm just telling you before hand "

"Why do we need to act like lovers when we are not"

"Their is media attention everywhere so except we are in the comfort of our room we need to act like lovers" he says as I nod in understanding

We fell silent soon after and I tried to lay on my bed maybe I could get some sleep

"Nope, no no no" Nathan abruptly says getting up and facing me

"What?" I ask with a yawn

"Get up, we are going to prepare for the trip" he says and I slightly hiss ignoring him and laying down fully on my bed

"Come on, don't be lazy and get up...unless of course you want me to carry you" I scoff at that turning to face him

"The only way I'm getting off this bed is if I am dragged" I say confidently...I watch as he smirks muttering something that I couldn't quite catch before picking me up and throwing me across his shoulders

Eweee, I know I weigh oo, the way he just carried me like paper is amazing

"Drop me now jhor,Nathan nowww please oya drop me" I was beggin but he just kept walking down the stairs

I begin to hit his back continuously until I see him wince a little

"Stop it and stay put" he says as I groan and continue to hit his back

This definitely seems like a movie and not just any movie...a romance movie

He walks inside his office and stands still

"Oya, we've gotten here, drop me" I demand as I literally feel him smirk

Oh no!!!!

"I take it-" before I could complete my sentence I was literally dropped painfully unto the rugged floor

It hurt like a bitch

"Fuck you Nathan" I say as he just shrugs going to sit in his chair

"I swear I hate you more than I hate...." I couldn't complete the sentence cause I couldn't think of anything I hated at the spar of the moment

"Can you sit and let's get to work" he says as I hiss going to sit opposite him

"You're not even going to apologize" I ask as he ignores me

"Take a phone and start callin this numbers" he says as I just stare at him and the things he just handed me

"Come on, we don't have all day" he urges me as I just stare

He sighs rolling his eyes

"Oya sorry" he says trying to hold his laughter

I wanted to be angry at him a little longer but I was curious about this numbers

"Fine,why should I call this numbers? and what should I say?" I ask him as he just nods and writes something down on a piece of paper

"You'll be booking reservations in hotels for three nights" he says as I just nod but that doesn't mean I'm not confused

"Why are we going to different hotels?" I asks

"Have you forgotten that it's a trip around the world so we'll be going to different countries and we need to book hotels in all the countries we'll be going to" he says in a duh tone as I scoff once again

"Oya REST" I say picking up the piece of paper and my phone to start dialing the numbers


End of chapter guys

What do you think about the whole trip?

I think that's where they'll develop there feelings or maybe not👻

Lotta love😍

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