Chapter Twenty Seven

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I sluggishly walk in closing the door behind me
I had spent the whole night calming Khabby down and I must tell you, IT WAS HARD!!

I felt so much sadness for Khabby but deep inside i think she was kind of dumb...Khabby explained the full story to her and I'm like what the hell...Imagine a guy just randomly starts talking to you and sweeps you off your feet and in a month of your friendship starts proclaiming love

It was pathetic....I've been told before by my mum of how heartless I could be. It's not like I didn't care, I actually cared a lot and I pity her but I just find the whole situation irritating and dumb

I wouldn't want to admit it to my friend that she was a complete and utter fool for believing such a guy in just one month, I wonder what juju the guy used for her cause I never imagined her to be so dense. I was a little disappointed when she started saying he broke my heart and shit when she finally opened the door, I mean for all that drama just for her to say he broke my heart.

I guess the main reason I'm talking like this is because I am so annoyed at how she was taking advantage of.

I guess the saying is true
'The book smart end up being the dull street wise'

I felt so angry and frustrated as i walk up the stairs going to my room

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear a voice out of nowhere as I scream holding my chest in fear before realizing it was just Nathan

"Why earth did you scare me like that!" I scream at him as he just shrugs not even apologizing

He can be such a prick sometimes...

"I asked if you were okay" He says once again but all I do is nod feeling to tired to answer him

I look at him as I watch as his gaze leaves my face and scans around my body

What the fuck his he doing, now I feel self conscious

"Www-hh-aa-tt a-rrr-e y-oouu did-oo-iinngg"I stammer asking him what he was up to

He ignores my question and keeps using his eyes to roam my body

"You're injured, he says as I follow his gaze to my knees

"Ohhh,I didn't even notice that I was injured, we'll it's just a slight injury, you know Nigerians now, we've injured so many time in our lives that simple injuries like this can't faze us" I say chuckling at his worried expression

"Minor injury?,Kishi this could get infected" he say bending down and inspecting my ingury

"Ehn?" I question clearly confused
Why is this affecting him like this, abi something is wrong with him?. What's all this

I stare at him thinking of what an odd mentality he had, which Nigerian has such mentality?

Then it hits me

"You were not raised in Nigeria were you?" I ask as he ignores my question still checking the wound

"Bro cut it out na, it's just a small wound that you're panicking" I say already frustrated but he ignores me again!! now raising my leg up making my balance wonky

I place my hands on his shoulders, although it was awkward I did not want to fall so I had to

"Guy answer me jhor" I say smacking his head as hard as possible, I was so angry by the way he kept on ignoring me

"Don't ever call me bro, dude or guy ever. If you can't call me by my name then don't call me at all" he commands as I just stare at him in shock

I don't think I've ever heard him use that tone for me before. Who on earth does he think I am

"It's like you've smoke or I've smoke. You've smoke because you're commanding me, bro who do you think you are?, and I've smoke because I'm even standing here listening to you spit out rubbish" I practically shout at him, allowing my frustrations from before deep into this conversation

He widens his eyes and looks down sighing loudly

"I'm sorry, i just really hate being called that. Yes I wasn't raised in Nigeria, and no I will not stop panicking about that freaking wound on your knee
and I will treat it now so follow me and let me treat it" he says dragging me into his room as I just stare not knowing what to say

He sits me down on his bed and walks into his closet searching frantically for something, he finally halts taking out what I now realize to be a first aid box

He then bends down and looks at my knees shaking his head

"So, how is your friend, hope she's feeling better" He asks as I just nod not looking at what he was doing to my wound cause it would sting even more if I look

"She's fine just depressed but she's going to be okay" I say as I see his head nod in understanding

"I heard you sigh all the way to your room, anything the problem?" He asks as I just sigh shrugging

"Well I guess not" o answer as he looks up at me giving me the I know you're lying look

"Okay fine ah" I say in between laugh

"Well I guess I feel really angry"I say not giving much info

"At the guy that did this to her?" He ask as I sigh even louder, laughing at my own sigh

"Well yeah but I'm also very angry at Khabby"I say as he looks at me for the second time slightly shocked

"Really?,why?" He asks slightly amused

"Yeah, I'm angry at her because like how could she be soo-" I failed to find the right word for it as Nathan buts in

"Ignorant, Dumb,Stupid" he suggests as I nod but I also give him the warning look meaning 'don't pass your boundaries'

"Well yeah, how can you just believe that someone is the love of your life in just a month, that was just stupid and so ignorant of her" I say sighing as he nods once again tapping my legs in comfort

"Well, I guess you have the right to be happy but you also need to let her be. What happened is God's way of teaching he lessons and learning comes with mistakes. It's her destiny to make such a mistake and she also need to learn from that mistake" Nathan concludes as I smile and he returns my smile

"Thanks, I guess I needed that talk"I thank Nathan as he shrugs
We stay in silence after that before his voice broke the silence
"I'm all done you're not de infected and your wounds will heal soon" he assures me as I nod really not caring about my injury.

"Well I'll be taking my leave now, thanks for keeping my company" I say as he nods

I wish I could just sleep here, his bed was so cozy and smelled so marvelous. I wonder how I'm going to sleep tonight

As i begin to walk out, I feel a hand talk itself around my ankle and turn me to face him

"Sleep here"


This chapter has ended guysss

Wait to see the next

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