Chapter Eleven

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I got a text from Nathaniel asking if I had gotten everything ready for the dinner party he had told me about yesterday morning and I'm literally panicking, it's in the afternoon right now and I don't think I have the time to get everything ready before evening

I decided to call the team (Kemi and Khabby)

We met at the mall and we started looking for a nice dinner gown, Nathaniel must not find out that I haven't prepared for the dinner party

"What about this one?" Kemi asks showing me a red flashy short gown

"No" I say as she rolls her eyes

"Ahh!!" I hear khabby scream has she runs out with a dress in her hand

"This is mad perfect for you" she says shoving the dress into my face kicking me into the dressing room

I put on the dress and it looks really nice on me. It's a blue body hug dress, it's hugs my body well bringing out my curves with a high slit at the side exposing my legs up till my knees with an exposed back , I come out and Kemi gasps running up to me

"It's beautiful, we are definitely getting this one" Kemi says as I go back to change

I turn the cloth around to see the price and it sure is expensive

"I don't think we can buy this" I whisper to Kemi

"Why now?" She asks frowning

"It's very expensive" I say showing her the price tag

"Come of it jo, your husband is a billionaire and he gave you a credit card and you're here talking rubbish" Kemi says collecting the dress and the credit card and walking over to the counter

I was so agitated as she was doing everything and finally the thing went through and that made me wonder

How much money is actually in there?

Since, I didn't have any money at that time to buy myself a make up set. Kemi and Khabby decide to buy for me today

After all our shopping we went back home and that's when I got another text from Nathaniel

"Wow, your house is like a castle" Khabby says checking out the house

"He's coming to pick me by 7:00 and it's 5:30, so we have to be fast" I say rushing upstairs to go have my bath

***1hour 30 minutes later*****

"Wow, you look absolutely stunning"khabby says as I check myself out in the mirror and I look so beautiful

"I'm stealing this dress" Kemi says as I laugh

"But seriously babe you look mad, abeg let us take pic and post on Instagram" Kemi says as I bring out my phone and we take pics and post

I received another text stating that he's downstairs

"Oya ooo, lets go and dance" I say as I walk down stairs to see Nathaniel on the phone as I use the chance to check him out

Mad ooo, is it me or he became more handsome

As soon as he noticed me he cuts his call and turns to face me, absolute shock plastered on his face as he stares at me

"Are you ready to go?" I ask as he just keeps on staring at me in absolute shock

What's his own sef, he's making me uncomfortable

Suddenly Kemi is beside him

"Hey bro, snap out of it, I know she's beautiful but guy now chill" she say snapping him back to reality as I chuckle warning Kemi as she started making funny expressions behind him as I keep on chuckle

He clears his throat "uhm, let's go" he says as I nod waving goodbye to my friends as we get into the limo.

The ride to the event was silent and we finally got there

There were a lot of people at the entrance screaming as the door opens

Nathaniel steps out first and stretches his hands out for me to take it, i was shocked at first but I remembered that we need to pretend in front of the crowd

We had bodyguards to push the crowds away as camera lights were flashing everywhere, it was total chaos

We finally got inside and the place was beautiful, it was decorated so beautifully

Nathan and I walked in hand in hand as we were being greeted by people

We met a few people and as they were all talking Nathan excused himself from the group while I just stood there absolutely clueless about what they were talking about and after minutes of waiting for Nathan I also excused myself from the group

I just wandered around looking for Nathaniel cause I was feeling out of place in this party

Then music started playing and I was really feeling the vibes of the song by Davido

I just moved a little to the music but didn't go all the way, I finally spot Nathan talking to some girl and she was laughing like crazy as they were flirting, I was so infuriated, why?

1. He left me knowing I know nothing about anything
2.He left me alone for a girl
3. They are flirting in front of everyone
4 its an embarrassment for me that my husband ditched me for another girl
5. He totally forgot that he brought someone to this party

After much debating I decided I'm leaving this stupid event

I walk out of the hall, but came to face another problem

I'M LOST!!!!!

I literally don't know what I'm doing walking around this halls funny enough I snuck a bottle of tequila, I'm so frustrated so I decide to drink my tequila

I pop it open taking a huge gulp feeling the bitter sweet taste, it was refreshing

I haven't really drank before because I don't have the money to buy alcohol but when I saw a bottle of tequila at the party and at that point in time I was frustrated, I decided to have a drink since there's no harm in trying

I stumble as I walk around in the hallways, I stumble once again and this time instead of falling I was caught

"Kishi?, What are you doing here" the person asks as I turn to look at him



Okay people!!!!

Next chapter is going to be Nathan's POV

Haaaahahah I'm soo excited

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