Chapter Thirty Seven

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Kishi's POV

"Wait wait wait, what's even your own with the whole bro stuff. Ayomi doesn't have a problem with it so why should you?" I question him squinting my eyes to look more intimidating

"Bro" I call Ayo.....just to prove my point, as Ayo looks at me with a questioning look and walks over to us

"Yeah?, anything the problem" Ayo questions and all I do is shrug and face Nathan

"See, perfectly fine" I say gesturing to Ayomi's calm state

"That's Ayo but I'm me soo" Nathan says trying to end this discussion

"No way!!,that doesn't even make sense, give me a better reason jhor" i look at Nathan expectantly and he looks conflicted like asper 'should I tell or not'kinda stuff

"What are you guys talking about sef. Nathan don't tell me you're annoying this damsel again" Ayo says squeezing himself beside me and putting his hand over my shoulders

I immediately shrug is hands off laughing

"Baba don't touch me" I say playfully as he gasp and places his hands on his chest pretending to be shocked.
He gets up from where he was sitting beside me and stands to face both of us

"Why?, don't you like me?" He says pouting and then winking like a freak

Is Ayo really trying to flirt with me right now?, cause that's just gonna be creepy and awkward as hell

"You're not trying to flirt with me right now right?, cause as you can see I'm married" glancing at Nathan I say in a duh tone while flaunting my marriage ring that I was presently wearing around his face

"But you guys are not like other couples na" he points it out and swats my hands away from his face. snarling at him I decide to show him my Nigerian eyeing skills

Did he really have to point it out like that....Ayomi has problems sef,he doesn't even know how to speak well....see the way he just blurted it out like that

"It doesn't matter, I'm still devoted" I say firmly as he just gives me those  Nigerian disbelieved looks

You know that look when you attend public school and you tell your classmates that your dad has a huge car and a big house....that look that your classmates gives you is what Ayo is giving me right now.

Does that mean he doesn't believe me? Kishi?

"You don't believe me?" In surprise I ask him as he shrugs still giving me that look

"I'm truly devoted swrs" defending myself I say but he's still giving me that look

"Ehn?, What of James...where was your devotion then?" Ayo questions me as I feel my cheeks heat up
"James?, we werent even that close...I didn't even hug him or kiss him talk less if any intercom-" I pause realizing something

James?, how on earth did he know about James?...I thought that stayed between me and Nathan plus I don't think I even told Nathan what James name was

"How do you know about James?" I question Ayo swinging my head to Nathan's direction preparing myself to give him a death glare but by the time I face him he's already  making a death glare but not at me but at Ayomi

There's something that they're not telling me and I'm gonna find out

"How did you even know his name?" I ask as I see Ayo from the side of my eyes trying to escape...I immediately reach to grab his hands but he's quicker and he's sprinting to the other end of the restaurant in less than a minute

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