Chapter Fifteen

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I just sit in my room trying to process what had just happened as tears slips from my fears, I saw when he dragged some girl into his room as I just stared at him
How on earth can someone's life be so useless and sad, having a husband who constantly insults me and brings girls into the house

I can hear her moans from my room as she screams his name constantly and I suddenly wish my room was sound proof

Yesterday I felt in top of the world, I know I took a little kiss as something big but don't blame me I just thought something was happening and boom today was a total disaster

To say I was angry was and understatement, as I hear the sound of Moaning coming from his room my anger increases as tears keep falling, the tears just didn't stop as I just stare at the wall ready to punch it at anytime

He wants a bitch?, I'll give him one. He wants to have fun?, I'll also have fun

Does he think that I'll just stand there and look like some kind of devoted dumb wife?, then he is totally wrong

I don't just hate him, I despise him

The battle line as been crossed, all I used to do was merely child's play but right now I'm not doing that anymore

He's right, being some kind of devoted wife doesn't fit me, What was I even thinking greeting him like some weirdo

I feel embarrassed, i feel mocked and I don't even know where to start.

I ruined his life?, it was his parents that brought the proposal, it was him that came into my life and ruined it. He thinks all I want is money, when I don't even give a flying fuck about money.

I open my door as Nathaniel also opens his door revealing his shirtless sweaty body, his was soaked with sweat, I bet he really had a good time with her

But to see my so called husband sleep with another woman right in front of me is quite heartbreaking. He could have just taken her to a hotel or something without letting me know instead he decided to show off his really active sex life which no one cares about, I feel like he is doing it on purpose to show me my place in his life which is little to nothing. Well I get it now and believe me he will also find out his place in my life

He stares at me as I just walk away without sparing him a glance.

Fucking dickhead

I call Kemi to ask is we can meet cause I couldn't bear staying in that house again

I walk out of the house refusing to take any car and hail a taxi , after all they don't belong to me.


I knock on kike's door as she opens up looking at me with pity in her eyes

"Babe" she says wrapping me in a huge tight hug

I had told her everything that happened on the phone on my here

We sit down on her couch as we talk about what had happened

"Can we stop talking about, I just wanna forget about it and you're not of much help" I say as she nods putting on her thinking face, I stare at her waiting for her to tell me her plan

"Babe, let's go and party jo, I'm sure that will clear your mind" she said praising herself for her idea

I don't it will be right to go to a club especially when paparazzi are watching every thing and so every thing I do can be published

"I don't think so" I say as she stares at me in disbelief

"Are you kidding me right now?, you care about his reputation than having fun and clearing your mind, I think it's a way to get him back, maybe you can find a guy, have some fling and make sure he knows that you're having flings so that he'll be jealous and enraged just like how you are right now" she says as I stare at her in deep thought

I'll finally be able to get my revenge on him

I agree, as we both dress for the party looking extremely hot


We get to the club and immediately we get in, Kemi is nowhere to be found and I just sat at the bar gulping down alcohol, i was trying to get drunk but unfortunately the alcohol's not working, I just sat there waiting for the alcohol to kick in as I gulp more into my stomach.

Suddenly I see the chair beside me move backwards as the person takes a sit right next to me

"Hey" He says as I turn to face him smiling while muttering a quick hey back so as to not doing rude.

"The name's James, it's a pleasure to meet such a beauty" he says stretching out his hands for an handshake as I smile at him in return taking his hands


It's been about an hour since me and James have been talking, we had a lot in common and also a lot that we don't have in common, I told him about my marital status, he was a little taking aback for a second before coming to his senses. When it was time for me to leave, we exchanged phone numbers as we bid farewell to each other promising to see each other again.

It was around 1:00 in the middle of the night that I got to my house, I stumbled into the house trying to keep myself steady but failing miserably at it, i was met with Nathaniel's fuming face as he stares at me clearly angry

"Where have you been all day?" He asks as I scoff walking to the stairs but a vies stops me as Nathaniel is standing in front of me becoming even more irritating as he gives me this questioning look as I stare at him back

"I asked where you were that you're coming home at 1 in the middle of the night" he shouts as I close my eyes

"Why are you spitting on my face like this, I know you don't like girls putting on make up but you could have just handed me some wet wipes instead of trying to use your own spit to clean it, if you'd excuse me I have better things to do than argue with such a whiny baby like you as you can see I'm coming from somewhere and I'm tired so I'm really sleepy" I say using all the force in my body to push him away and I walk upstairs as he screams my name following me up the stairs as I slam the door right on his face making sure to lick it as I slump on my head dozing off immediately


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