Chapter Seventeen

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I wake up feeling kind of nice as I get ready for the day ahead of me, putting on my ear pods I dance into the dining room feeling the vibes of the song, I even sing along as I grab Elizabeth's hands and start dancing as she laughs at me and my happy mood excusing herself to go serve the food, I walk into the dining room sitting down seeing Nathan already seated, I ignore him once while I continue to listen to my song moving to the beat not caring about what he'd think or how he would react.

We eat in silence as I mistakenly play the  music out loud, realizing it I connect it back without glancing at the person sitting directly opposite me. Suddenly my plates shake as I look up noticing Nathan staring at me anger written all over his face , his hands balled up into a fist on the table

"What now?" I ask as I pull out my earpiece waiting for him to bark

"Are you kidding me right now?, you come home the day before yesterday night partly drunk in a sluts outfit with some dude dropping you off, then yesterday you're all 'oh hello James bla bla bla bla bla' and leave the house also coming home late with the same dude dropping you off" He shouts as I just sit there silently

And so?, why does it concern him with what I do and what I don't do?

"Your point is?" I say still looking calm like he's not shouting on top of his voice at me right now

He scoffs looking at me like he wanted to hit me continuously with an axe

"You're behaving like a slut, that's my point, and I do not want my name to be tarnished because of your reckless behavior" he says as I look at him hiding the hurt from showing on my face

I was really hurt when he called me a slut but I got over it really quickly as the hurt turns to anger

"Did you just call me a slut you man whore?, oh please don't give me that crap about ruining your name cause you know very well that I don't give a flying fuck. What on earth do you want from me, you want me to sit down here and do nothing while you bring in different women everyday into this house, Well news flash Nathaniel I am not that type of person, this marriage is fake you here me fake and I will do anything I fucking want the sooner you get this the better. You yourself should know this since you keep repeating it constantly to me, you're not my husband and you can't tell me what to do so fucking fuck off and let's live our lives separately, let's act like we don't know each other in this house and do the things we want to do" I say concluding my heart filled speech, placing the ear pods back in my ears as I make my way back to my room losing my appetite.

Before I could climb the first steps I feel a hand grab my elbow, turning me to face him, what does he want know?

"What do you-" before I could complete my sentence I was cut shut by his lips slamming onto mine as I widen my eyes in shock.
What's going on?, why he's he kissing me after calling me a slut. This dickhead doesn't have the right to do so

I recover from my shock pushing him away from me as I stare at him with disbelief, distaste and pure disgust

"What do you think?, that a kiss would do the magic and have me trying to normal with you again. Well think again, I am not that type of person that falls for some dickhead over some flimsy kiss" I say angry as I glare at him

His lips part slightly attempting to talk but he shuts it back as I let out a hysterical laugh.

"What?, say something now?, shebi you know how to talk oya talk. Shout at me, talk" I shout moving closer and closer to him as he remains in the same position frozen. I hiss walking out on him as I walk to my room.

I decide after some hours of watching 'True Beauty' that I needed to get out of this house before the tension kills me

I change into an high waist jeans with an crop too summing it up with a converse

I walk downstairs feeling Nathan's gaze on me as I walk towards the door, suddenly a hand grabs me once again in one day as I stop turning to face Nathan

This boy did not use to listen

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks as I stare at him with disbelief

"None of your business" I say trying to loosening his grip on my arms as he remains gripping me tightly not letting me go

"I asked, where you're going to" he says his voice sounding as scary as ever but I remain unfazed looking at him right in the eyes

"And I told you that it is none of your fucking business" he says as I manage to free myself from his tight grip

I run out the door scoffing at him on the way

I hear him shout my name as I ignore him running out the gate

Such an asshole, What on earth could he possibly want from me. One minute he's shouting at me to stay away the next he is kissing me and asking where I'm going

He is such a bipolar freak, why is he just changing moods and perspectives does he think this is some kind of game or joke cause it is not, we are talking about my life here, my future and my emotional well being I can't take it anymore with his change of attitude, emotion, perspective etc

He's becoming so annoying, why on earth did he kiss me after practically telling me he hates me and he's never going to do such again some days ago and there he was doing it again.

I am so confused right now and I don't want to continue thinking about that jerk
I wave a cab over telling the driver to take me to the nearest restaurant......


Hello guys, sorry for the late update, I've been really busy lately but I'll try to update🙂

Writer: Kike can be a real problem sometimes, especially her attitude

Kike: hey, who do you think you're talking about, if not for you I will not be stuck with such an awful husband

Writer: I'm sorry but that how I want it to be so that later on you fall in love, marry and give birth to wonderful kids 🙂

Kike: *scoffs* (walks away)

Writer: see, she has really awful attitude😂


I'm so sorry for not updating😪

See you in the next chapter 🤗

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