Chapter Two

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After a hard day of work I finally  get home, I am so tired and hungry it's almost amusing...

"Ire!!" I call out to my younger sister

"Yes Aunty Tolu" she replies, running  out of the kitchen to stand in front of me.

My family likes calling me by my second name...My full name is Olaoluwakishi Toluwalashe Onayemi, so people from work call me Kishi and home call me Tolu.

"Have you prepared dinner?" I ask putting down my second hand hand bag which I got from a friend as a gift.

"Yes I just finished, you must be really tired let me go and bring the beans and plantain" Ire replies taking my bag with her and quickly running towards the kitchen

I watch as her tiny little legs rush towards the kitchen and I can't help but feel bad for her, sometimes I think she's older than her age, she's been forced to grow up too quickly because of lack of money.

"Where's Simisola?" I ask Ire for our youngest

"She's with the neighbours son, they are playing in his house" Ire shouts from the kitchen

"Shebi I told you not to let her go there again, abi you did not hear me when I said it. I have said my own ooo if something happens now you'll be responsible. Serve me my food and go and call her jhor" I scream the last part making her know I was angry

After a while she rushes out of the kitchen with my food and runs out to call Simi...

....Minutes later she's back with Simi trailing behind her

"Ire go and give mummy her medication, Simi come here" I say eyeing Simi from afar

Once she was close I dragged her by the ear even closer to me, I stated tugging on the ear as she cries in pain

"Haven't I told you not to go to Mummy Ayo's house again, didn't I tell you. Ohhh, so you want to start acting big for me abi" I say still tugging at her ear

"I'm sorry, I will never do it again, Aunty Tolu please" she begs but I turn deaf ears to her pleas

"Do you want to kill me, No tell me do you want to kill me, so if Mummy Ayo decide to use you for money ritual nko, what will na happen, This is my last warning if you go there again, you'll see my red eyes" I say as I let her ear go

"Now will you get out of my front and go and do something better other than pursuing boys around" I say as she scrambles away from me still nursing her ear

You might think I'm being wicked but this is Nigeria and that's how we train our children not to become wayward and undisciplined she-goats


Nathaniel's P.O.V

"Nathan!, we made a deal 6 months ago that if you didn't bring woman that you want to marry in 6 months time that me and you father will choose for you" My mom immediately said as we stepped into her office looking as serious as ever

How does this woman still remember??I actually thought she would have forgotten

"But mom the problem is that there's no right woman for me and-"

"You've been saying that for the past two years, my son you're getting old" My mum say scrunching up her face

"Mum I'm just 26" I state

"I know right that's just too old" she says looking through my hair

"What are you doing?" I ask trying to push her hands away

"Plucking out your white hair so no one will notice how old you are" My mum exaggerates as I roll my eyes at her

"Mum please stop" I say removing her hands from my hair

"Back to business, Nathaniel Jomiloju Ojo, a deal is a deal and now its me and your fathers turn to choose a bride for you" she says

"Mum we're in the 21st century, you can't-" she cuts me again

"Don't make me angry. 21st century or not, a deal is a deal and I'll pick the perfect lady for you and you'll have no say in it whatsoever and I'm sure you'll live an happily married life with Kishi-" she stops realizing what she just said

"Wait wait wait, the I just hear Kishi Azin your employee" I say as she nods slowly

" What!, Mom please don't tell me you're going to make me marry one of your workers especially Kishi who you know I don't like, in fact I hate her, even one look at her makes me want to puke out my breakfast. Oh come on mom, she's not in my class she's poor and as no class whatsoever and you expect me to marry her" I complain buy a quick,short but painful slap shut me up immediately

"Don't you talk about that innocent young beautiful girl like that, have you forgotten that I was once like that. I wasn't born with a silver spoon like your father I was born in rags but your father saw me and loved and cared for me and brought me to were I am today" she says with love in her eyes which was so gross

"Bla bla bla, can we not talk about this mom I have a lot of work to do so bye" I say walking towards the door

"Don't you dare walk out on me Nathaniel, I am your mother and I deserve to be treated with respect for Christ sake and you're going to get married to Kishi whether you like it or not and you have no say in this Nathaniel Jomiloju Ojo" she completes with a serious tone, walking out of her office

And once my mum says my full name just know that there's no going back. I'll go talk to dad, I'm sure his not in support of this nonsense

I walk out of my mums office, walking out of the restaurant not before eyeing Kishi, she just looks at me and gives me this scornful look. I wanted to confront her but my mum gave me that look that says 'don't even dare'


I knock on the door of my dads office

"come in" I hear him say as I step in

"Dad I want to ask you for a favour" I start off getting straight to the point cause my dad hates bitting around the bush

"No, I will not help convince your mother to stop the arrangement of your new bride" he says without even sparing me a glance

"But dad do you know who she set me up with?" I ask as he looks up at me

"You mean Kishi, what's wrong with her?" My dad asks

"She's a lowlife" I say whispering the last part for a dramatic effect

"Now son haven't I warned not to discriminate people like that" he says getting up from his sit

" but-"

"Might I remind you that your mother was also a lowlife" he says whispering the last part just like I did but his was less dramatic

"Yes bla bla bla and you fell in love bla bla bla all bullshit, you both have told me a thousand times and its getting irritating" I say yawning

"Anyways I can't help you, I'm a business man and as a business man I know that a deal is a deal. You yourself should know that,considering the fact that you're also a business man" my dad says putting on his suit

"Yes I know but we are not compatible  considering that-"

"I have a business meeting now, goodbye son I wish you good luck in your new married life"my dad says patting me at my back as he walks out of his office leaving me to my thoughts

I can't marry Kishi I just can't

I'll have to speak to her and talk, so that I can warn her so she can say NO

As I walk through to my car all I could think of was


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