Chapter Fourty Four

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Kiishi's POV

I sigh loudly breathing in the air of my home…I must say that I really missed this place

Although I imagined my coming back into this house to be better than when I left but I guess not cause my stupid husband decided to not grace me with his presence.

I don’t waste time in kicking my shoes off and running into my room to have a well deserved bath…especially after that awful plane ride.

I know I should be worried about Nathan but Ayo assured me he was fine plus I was still angry at him for just leaving without telling me…

I come out of the bathroom and quickly change into something more comfortable to wear before pouncing  on my bed and pulling out my phone to check on the latest gist going on in town.

I smile looking at how my number of followers on instagram had increased drastically…I finally decide to finally check out my husband  instagram account cause I never really taken my time to look at it…wow…he has a hundred more followers than me and he didn’t even post much pictures like that

What a show off…people just like him for his handsome face and really nice body

I sigh again…feeling stupid at my dumb attempt to get my mind off the situation at hand…which would be the fact that my husband loves me and I dint know whether I love him back.

To people outside who might hear me say this would think I’m stupid and ungrateful for thinking that something so easy like that is a problem but to me it was a huge problem…KISHI!! This is what you wanted so what’s the problem now…I don’t know?

I wake up at the sound of my bedroom door shutting close…the person might have thought I didn’t hear it but I’m a light sleeper…I don’t think it’s any of my friends…maybe it’s a thief?

 Get up slowly and cautiously not willing to make a sound…I grab the most dangerous thing in my room which was a mop stick and carefully walked out my door.

It was pitch black and I couldn’t see much but I saw a shadow figure…that maybe the thief

I quickly run to it and smash my mop stick on his back thereby breaking my stick into two and also earned an ear piercing scream from the thief but that didn’t stop me…I kept on using the broken half of the stick to hit him continuously as he screams  in pain, I stop to catch my breath and that’s when he speaks…

“have you lost your mind KISHI?” the man asks me

Wait a minute…NATHAN?

I run over to the light switch and turn it on…

I let out a gasp dropping the stick I had been holding and bending down to have a better look at his face , realizing I had been hitting Nathan all along

“OH MY GOD Nathan I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you at all, I just thought you were a thief and I reacted on impulse...i am so sorry” I apologize to him as I try to help him stand up. He lets out a yelp as he gets up totally, wincing continuously we head to the couch as I guide his beaten body to the couch laying him down carefully.

Realizing he hadn’t said anything yet, I let go of him and stand in front of him feeling oddly uncomfortable by the awkward air around us.

I decide to finally speak up because the silence was killing me

“I should probably go call the doctor, I beat you up pretty bad” I suggest clearing my throat and walking away to get my phone…I didn’t reach far before Nathan spoke up

“don’t bother…I’m fine, just bring me pain relief and I’ll be fine” he says rather cold hearted as I turn to face him ready to argue but quickly shut my mouth when I see the look he was giving me

“fine…but at the very least I should treat your wounds and you’re not going to argue with me” I conclude not giving any room for argument as I walk into the kitchen to get the first aid box

I heard back into the living room to see him still in the position I had left him in…I take a deep breath walking over to him

“take off you top” I command as he looks at me wide eyed at my demand

What’s wrong with this one?, why is he acting so shocked?, does he think?....

“I need to see the injuries inflicted on your back, that’s why I said you should take it off” I explain clearly hoping it clears any misunderstanding…

“ohh, okay” he answers taking off his top slowly to avoid the pain as much as he could

He lays down on his stomach giving me access to his back…I gasp out loud staring at the damage I had done

“I am so sorry for doing this, I promise I didn’t mean to” apologizing once again I start to take out the things I needed to treat is injury…

I begin to treat his back in silence…no one was ready to talk…the silence was extremely awkward and uncomfortable but I wasn’t ready to say anything…maybe cause I didn’t even know what to say

Nathan clears his throat and starts to speak

“I’m sorry” he apologizes as I pause what I’m doing surprised at his apology

What’s he so sorry for?. Maybe he is trying to tell me that he’s confession was a mistake or something cause I don’t know what else he might be sorry for

“for what?” I say deciding to ask him myself…I should at least know what he is sorry for 

“for everything” he replies not making himself clear enough

By this time I’m done with treating his back so I get up from my position and tap his back a little to tell him that I was done with treating him…

Nathan sits up and signals for me to sit beside him…I deliberate for a minute before deciding to sit beside him

I wonder what he wants to say…I’m scared but at the same time curious…I just hope this won’t lead to anything bad…

* * * ** * * * *

Author's Note

Hey guysss, thanks for readinggggg!

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